
Translation Not working

By Seranli LI, 7 years ago
The problem I am having is the words are translated, you can see the translated word in the editor. NEXT, when I save the draft and go to view the translated page, the website jumps to the original language. I am translating from english to Turkish. Assuming this is a Site Origin problem I am…

Featured image

By Arvydas Gasparavicius, 7 years ago
Good day I have recently started using the Vantage theme. I enjoy the experience of using it so far. The only thing that frustrates me a bit is the featured image size in Blog archive. My site – http://gasparavicius.com/ Layout of my Blog archive is – Blog. Featured image size – Large. Even though the…

Editing not working in Siteorigin free page builder

By William Kemsley, 7 years ago
I’ve been using page builder. But while the editor takes the edits they do not show on the screen when viewing the page. I’ve tried all the suggestions — cleared all caches, deactivated all non-Siteorigin plugins, switched themes, even switched widgets from Siteorigin Editor to Visual Editor. Nothing changes. Any suggestions?

CSS Problem using SiteOrigin

By Johnnyw1, 7 years ago
Hi I posted a thread yesterday about an issue i was getting using SiteOrigin and the CSS constantly changing the layout depending on what browser I used. Sometimes it displays correctly when I update pages but then it reverts to a layout without styling. For some reason this post has been deleted, possibly because I…

SiteOrigin Features Alignment

By Raymond Lazo, 7 years ago
Hi, I just had a problem with the alignment of the icon and the title text for the “SiteOrigin Features” before they align properly to the center now the icon is aligning to the right. is there anyway i can align them all to the center? my webisite is: http://www.thextonlawyers.com.au/ Thanks – Raymond

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