
Header customizing option seems to have disappeared…

By Nila Crawford Madsen, 7 years ago
I am trying desperately to change the image of the header…I applied an image once..it is there…but now I cannot find how I did it…under APPEARANCE…there is nothing with HEADER….all the videos etc I have have watched ( WP Tutorials and YOU TUBE) say to go to HEADER under APPEARANCE>…so how did i apply a…

Number on slider indicators on Hero Image

By jfguimaraes, 7 years ago
Good afternoon, I’m seeing numbers on the indicators of my Hero Image slider: EDIT: I found the cause of the problem. I’m adding lists to my website and I added a Custom CSS to enumerate the lists, and I found out the slider indicators are list items. Here’s the CSS:   ol { list-style-type: none;…

Unresponsive image on Site origin hero

By lordafrique, 7 years ago
Hello, Please could someone help me here, I am using site origin hero on my “welcome” page, just prior to entering my site. I used my logo as a background. The image at first was fine when viewed on my computer, but when viewed on IPAD or mobile phone, some part of the image was…

Custom Home Page Builder Missing Buttons

By swirrler, 7 years ago
Hi, I just installed the North theme and Page Builder plugin. When I go to Custom Home Page, I am missing these buttons: Edit as Page, Prebuilt, History, Live Editor. I have deactivated all plugins other than Page Builder and Widgets Bundle. Thank you.

Is there a plugin that categorizes templates?

One of annoying things about Siteorigin is that there is no option to have categories of templates that I can see. I had a brief look at code and It would have to be a new button I think as some funtionality is in Javascript so couldn't achieve everything with filters so would involve forking…

remove botom margin from a single image widget

Hi, I’m trying to add a caption bellow the vertical image of the kid with his parents on this page https://playingforchange.org/dedicated-to-change-2/ it works but how can I remove the bottom margin on the image widget here. I’m adding margin-bottom: 0 !important; to the widget’s css style but it is not working… I need to find…

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