
Post Carousel Arrows

By Malcolm Moodley, 3 years ago. Last reply by Andrew Misplon, 3 years ago
HI. I used a dev site to create a new homepage, and everything works fine, but when i exported the page to the live site, the Post carousel Arrows, don’t display. Previous and next are just blocks and now arrows. Can you advise?

Live editor not working

By Michael Valladares, 3 years ago. Last reply by Andrew Misplon, 3 years ago
I am having the same issues that others are having with the Page Builder and live editor not working. I followed some of the other post to trouble shoot including different browsers, deactivate and activate SiteOrigin, and changing themes. The live editor worked when I changed my theme to Twenty Twenty as suggest by support…

2 Parts of Page

By Seviroth, 4 years ago. Last reply by Andrew Misplon, 3 years ago
Hi Site Origin Team, Thank you for the lovely page builder. I’m making an eyewear website with Site Origin, and I was wondering if I can do just like this: https://www.acnestudios.com/au/en/corduroy-shirt-mint-blue/BB0307-BNO.html?categid=man-new-arrivals I’m currently trying to copy it but resulting similar but yet what I quite expected like this: Ben So basically I’m trying to divide…

page builder doesnot show up on WP5.5.1

By greenmangosy, 3 years ago. Last reply by Andrew Misplon, 3 years ago
I am using WP 5.5.1 on firefox 81.0. Using Vantage Child Theme. I only update this site every quarter and today, My page does not show PageBuilder. Only shows Visual and Text. I update all the plugins including page builder. But it didn’t change anything. Could you please help?

Accordion issue with resizing YouTube embed

By gg4orce, 4 years ago. Last reply by Andrew Misplon, 3 years ago
I have two YouTube clips embedded in an accordion widget and resized to 280×158 They show sized correctly in the visual editing tab (https://www.lwvmc.org/wp-content/uploads/2020/09/youtube_size.jpg) but full-sized on live site: https://www.lwvmc.org/vote/ (Local candidate forums and conversations) Is there an option not have it fill container that I’m missing? I’ve updated to PageBuider 2.11.5 running on WP…

SiteOrigin Layout Builder crashes when used in Appearance > Customise section

By greghhh888, 4 years ago. Last reply by Andrew Misplon, 3 years ago
Hi, I’m not sure when this started happening but every time I try to amend a section of my homepage using the Customise(Appearance) area of WordPress… specifically the parts setup using the “Layout Builder”, when I then click “Open Builder” the page crashes. This has been tested on several web browsers. I have taken a…

Header logo missing from masthead and debug info printing to screen

By Andy, 4 years ago. Last reply by Andrew Misplon, 4 years ago
Hi team, My site has recently encountered an issue whereby the site logo no longer appears in the header of the page. The following error is printed to the screen in its place: Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in /var/sites/5/50yearstorm.co.uk/public_html/wp-content/plugins/so-widgets-bundle/so-widgets-bundle.php on line 785 Warning: count(): Parameter must be an array or an object that…

Compatibility with Yoast Premium – 12.7

By Ali Hussain Jiwani, 4 years ago. Last reply by Andrew Misplon, 4 years ago
After updating SiteOrigin and Yoast as well, the plugins compatibility seem to be broken. We have Yoast Premium account. When trying to export/import a layout the system breaks down. Images for export with/without Yoast https://ibb.co/fvxxrvV (with Yoast, the filename is the timestamp plus JSON is empty) https://ibb.co/ZSxzDWM (without Yoast, it is fine) This causes issues…

Page Builder/Widget Issue

By Michelle Krynicky, 4 years ago. Last reply by Andrew Misplon, 4 years ago
Hello, I am having difficulty with the Page Builder and Widgets on my site. I am not able to update any of pages that were created with Page Builder. Instead of showing the table view that I had been seeing it is only showing me text and there is no way to change it. I…

Accordion Widget panels won’t collapse.

By FRONTLINE SPINE & SPORT, 4 years ago. Last reply by Andrew Misplon, 4 years ago
I’ve been using the SiteOrigin accordion widget on my site for some time now. At first the widget worked perfectly. But now the panels on the page won’t collapse. My settings for each panel’s initial state are set to be “closed”. But when I navigate to the page, all of the panels on my site…

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