
Page Builder syntax error in styles-admin.php

By jradams, 3 years ago. Last reply by Andrew Misplon, 3 years ago
A WordPress site using Page Builder fails to open and generates an immediate error. The site has been running happily for years and has now suddenly stopped working. Even access to the wp-admin site is failing. The error is shown below WordPress caught an error with one of your plugins, Page Builder by SiteOrigin Error…

Accordions Not Opening for Some Users

By Joanne, 3 years ago. Last reply by Alex S, 3 years ago
Hi, I’m experiencing complaints from some individuals using Google Chrome and Firefox saying they can’t open any of the SiteOrigin accordions on our website. Regrettably, I’m not able to see or experience this problem. Has this ever happened before? Can you please take a look at our website (https://wclc2020.iaslc.org/information-for-abstract-presenters/)?

Missing Widget

By SyndicateDiaz, 3 years ago. Last reply by Andrew Misplon, 3 years ago
“The widget thim_campaign_widget is not available. Please try locate and install the missing plugin. Post on the support forums if you need help.” Not sure what happened, went to the site and a section of the homepage was gone and found this error in the page editor. Any light that can be shed on this…

Problem switching to Page builder

By Hiroyuki Kamimura, 3 years ago. Last reply by Andrew Misplon, 3 years ago
Hi there. I have been using the siteorigin page builder. and it is a great tool to build up websites. thank you for that! I am only a begginer but once I switch to the classic editor from the page builder, I can not seem find the button to switch back to the page builder…

After editing new or old content it becomes undentified

By Jelena, 3 years ago. Last reply by Andrew Misplon, 3 years ago
Hello, I’ve been using the the plugin within the theme for the past few years. Last update was performed approx. 10 months ago. On the website the WP is updated to the latest version 5.5.3 as well as the plugins. Now when I’m trying to make any changes or and an element, after the editing…

No page content to edit

By Alan Toniolo, 3 years ago. Last reply by Andrew Misplon, 3 years ago
I’ve been using this plugin since the beginning of the site and now I’m having a problem that I think is in conflict with it. When I try to edit a page, the screen appears blank, empty only when editing the page, when I disable the SiteOrigin Page Builder, then the codes appear. Is it…

No Pagebuilder anymore in backend after yesterdays update to V2.11.7

By m.nahrgang, 3 years ago. Last reply by Andrew Misplon, 3 years ago
Hi guys and girls, after updating to V2.11.7 yesterday the Siteorigin pagebuilder is not usable in backend anymore. It simmply seems to be not there, at least for the backend. All pages Pagebuilder shortcodes are shown as source-text, so no blocks and pagebuilder features at all. The frontend itself is o.k., also after clearing cache.…

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