
Cant save or previews my page edits, bug found

By Niki Gower, 10 hours ago. Last reply by Niki Gower, 9 hours ago
Hi, Am having the exact issue as this guy: Unable to save Page Edits This is happening on an existing page that has been published with no issues. Now, a few months later trying to make small changes and Im getting the errors. I islated the issue as follows: – I re-built a new page…

‘No Collapse’ doesn’t work when page served via Instagram bio link

By Niki Gower, 2 years ago. Last reply by Andrew Misplon, 2 years ago
Hi there, I’ve noticed that when following a link from Instagram bio (served in an Instagram browser window, not default browser) the ‘no collapse’ function of page builder doesn’t work. – This error only occurs via Instagram for android. – When following link via Instagram on an iPhone, it works as it should – Page…

Hiding Mini Cart when empty

By Niki Gower, 3 years ago. Last reply by Andrew Misplon, 3 years ago
Hi There, I’m using Corp Theme – wondering if there is any way to hide the header/menu mini-cart when its empty? So I’d like it to only display once / if someone adds something to their cart? Preferably a way to do it with CSS, but can fiddle with PHP iof thats the only solution.…

Vantage “logo in menu” issue

By Niki Gower, 6 years ago. Last reply by Alex S, 6 years ago
Hi there, I am having an issue with the Vanatage “Logo in menu” when I activate the option it enlarges the height of my menu / masthead drastically and the menu aligns to bottom and the logo to the top. Please see: I have tried different images and scaled image to different sizes and same…

Image Grid missing?

By Niki Gower, 8 years ago. Last reply by Andrew Misplon, 8 years ago
Hi Saw on other threads the reason for this, and advice was to recreate them, but was mention of a technical 'migration technique. ' I have many on my site, so would be appreciated a 'how-to' on this as really don't feel like redoing all those galleries, if possible.

North Theme Logo Resize

By Niki Gower, 7 years ago
Hi There, With your North Theme, when you scroll with the Sticky Menu the logo resizes smaller. I would like to please know the CSS selectors for: * The Logo before scroll / resize (I would like this to be quite big (to reveal detail on Logo)) * The logo resize after scroll ( I…

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