
Tutor LMS conflict

By SJ, 7 months ago. Last reply by Alex S, 7 months ago
Hello, thank you very much for your excellent PageBuilder, I really enjoy using it. Unfortunately, I discovered today that courses cannot be duplicated correctly in the popular “tutor lms” plugin if your plugin is activated at the same time. It would be great if you could fix this troubleshoot. I would be very grateful for…

Woocommerce Conflict

By Burstner Club, 7 months ago. Last reply by Andrew Misplon, 7 months ago
I’m testing Woocommerce on my site (Panoramic Premium theme) but when it is installed and activated I am unable to edit my site origin Hero widget. I’ve confirmed that it is Woocommerce that’s causing the problem by deactivating etc. but can’t find a solution. Is there a setting I am missing? many thanks.

Restrict some widgets to certain post type

By corcules, 7 months ago. Last reply by Alex S, 7 months ago
Hello, I usually make widgets and i’m working a lot with custom post types. Today, i’m trying to make a widget available to the user according to the type of the current edited post. Basically, i would like to have widget “A” available when editing a page but not when editing a post. And conversly…

SiteOrigin Widgets broken

By Simon Connell, 7 months ago. Last reply by Alex S, 7 months ago
I have the Cerauno template with SOW. The widgets are not showing at the moment .. they functioned fine far years, and in other sites with same latest updates, also fine even now – its just a problem with one site. When trying to edit the Widgets in the side bar under “Appearance” menu ……

Post Carousel Not Fully Responsive

By Jupiter1955, 8 months ago. Last reply by Alex S, 7 months ago
I have two Post Carousel blocks side by side in a two column arrangement. I want only a single slide to show in each at any time. My images are 500px x 300px. I have set the Feature Image size to Medium (500×300). This all works fine on a desktop but on a narrow mobile…

Equal column widths in Features widget

By ClairWN, 9 months ago. Last reply by Alex S, 8 months ago
Hello I’ve set this to 4 features per row, and left the default 25px padding between columns. The left and right columns are wider than the two middle ones, which is confirmed by the padding only applying to the internal spaces between them (not the far left and right sides.) How can I make them…

Version 2.26.0 Display Bug

By wolfgangwoehrle, 9 months ago. Last reply by Alex S, 9 months ago
Hello! I updated the Siteorigin Plugin today on a website that is in development. I have a header with two cells in a row. The header has position: relative and one cell has position: absolute. With the update, these settings work no more, they are displaced. I assume, that there is some bug in the…

Unable to save Page Edits

By sholden, 11 months ago. Last reply by Alex S, 10 months ago
Hello, I’ve been using the PageBuilder for a while now. Starting today, when I try to edit one of my pages that is using the PageBuilder, any of my changes simply doesn’t save. Instead of redirecting to the page edit page, where you see the builder and all of your widgets, I get redirected to…

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