
Site Origion contact form not working

Hi there, I have built a website locally and now transferred it to a host – it is live. I tested the contact form and am not receiving any emails, I have had family also test it and still nothing. Is there anything you can suggest? All the information and the correct email is in…

SiteOrigin Hero first loading problem

By Ziga Drolc, 7 years ago
Hello, i have a problem, on first load of the website the SiteOrigin Hero widget brakes and it doesn't load properly. Co/cQuMrQ I am using SiteOrigin Hero widget for a full screen background video, i have tried to put a background img to the row containing the SiteOrigin Hero widget but it doesn't help.

Columns stack on top of one another

By Hillary Valentine, 7 years ago
Hey there, I have created 2 rows – one with 3 columns and another with two columns (an image and text below it in each column) but in live editor and on my page all the images and texts are stacked on top of each other scrolling down the page – not side by side.…

Site not displayed properly

By 藤咲 じゅん, 7 years ago
Hi, I just noticed that the posts I created using the page builder are not displayed properly on both PC and mobile. Please see the below link. 赤ちゃんと行きたい!リッツカールトン沖縄で過ごす大人バカンス Under featured image (1st photo), there is space until tests under the 3rd pictures, which were all displayed in center before. On mobile site, a text is…

Trying to edit posts redirects me to weird page

By razvanimal, 7 years ago
Hello. First of all, I just want to say that your Page Builder plugin is truly a great one, really helpful! Recently, I’m experiencing some issues with it. When activated, I’m not able to edit posts/pages anymore, it just redirects me as shown in the following screenshot: http://imgur.com/a/Rq5O5 Upon disabling the Page Builder plugin, clicking…

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