CSS Styles

Please advise how i can change the style of the widget content using the attribute sidebar panel. According to the browser dev tools the existing styles are inline - so i cannot change them in styles.

Prelayout not working properly

By Margaret, 7 years ago
Hi, I would like to use one of the layouts but it does not show properly on my website. Instead of columns I get rows and the buttons are vertical instead of horizontal. The headlines seem to be too big and not all the elements of the layout can be seen.

Vantage Featured Image thumbnail resizing problem

By afmeck, 7 years ago
Hi, I’ve already had most of my problem solved by another (closed) thread but haven’t quite gotten it sorted out: Like the original poster, I’d like to have a thumbnail of the featured image from each of my posts appear to the left of the excerpts on my front page. I’ve added the CSS and…

Implement rgba to colorpicker

By Илья Ксензов, 7 years ago
Default wordpress color picker do not support alpha channel. To turn it on in SiteBuilder I use: 1. wp-color-picker-alpha plugin (https://github.com/23r9i0/wp-color-picker-alpha) 2. and dirty Siteorigin Panels core hack: /plugins/siteorigin-panels/inc/styles.php line 183: add data-alpha=”true” attr

Help with page builder alignment

By louisamercado, 7 years ago
Hi! I am having trouble trying to fix the alignment of the page. After updating SiteOrigin I noticed that the static page I created had become askew. Please see: http://blog.egetinnz.com/ It used to have a featured post slider then columns. I don’t know how to fix it. Hope someone can help me! Thanks!

Siteorigin Hero Disappearing off my Homepage

By Sarah Sweis Shoucair, 6 years ago
Hi, on my homepage, I have an image with 2 call to action buttons. Randomly checking my website today, I see it has disappeared. Logging into the wp dashboard, everything is still in place via the page builder? What could be the problem? I tried deleting the row and adding it back but it’s still…