Vantage theme not responsive

By M_so_web, 7 years ago
Hello My Vantage Theme is not fully responsive. Besides some scrambled text, menu line is same as fill width page. The demo-video shows collapsed menu, but mine is same in all widths and it’s unreadable. Is responsive layout only for pro version? I added some custom css. Removing it doesn’t solve the problem.

Houzz Logo for Social Widget

Hi Just thought I’d share this as I was looking for Houzz this logo for the social media widget All I did was edit plugins > so-widgets-bundle > widgets > social-media-buttons > data > networks.php And added this code after ‘hacker news’ (line 157 in this version) ‘houzz’ => array( ‘label’ => __( ‘Houzz’, ‘so-widgets-bundle’…

Infinite scroll Vantage

By Lasha-Giorgi Esebua, 7 years ago
I know there are couple of threads exploring the same problem and I’ve read them all(at least what I found 3 or 4) still no solution was usefull for me. I’m using non-premium version of vantage theme, regular blog layout. suggested infinte-scroll plugin doesn’t work. Is there a way I can enable infinite scroll feature?…

Centering footer widget

By Ollie Griffiths, 7 years ago
I’m trying to center a footer widget on a website I’m doing for a client. I’ve read through multiple other threads long the same lines however I’ve had no luck trying to implement these solutions. I’ll be happy to link the site if needed OG

Mobile Menu in Header Widget

By Ollie Griffiths, 7 years ago
Hi, I was wondering if it would be possible to have my custom menu that is in a widget in the header to collapse into a mobile menu when on small screen devices. I understand that there is an option to do this for the main menu however I don’t require this menu. I can…

Half Fullwidth Display

Hi, Thanks for such a handy and light page builder plugin for WordPress. So I’m writing this thought I can get an idea or suggestion from you guys, is there any way I can make only the second half of the two columns to display in full-width? – row – – column 1 – –…

Linking rows

Hi everyone, i have an design idea but not quite sure how to implement it, and would appreciate the help. I need to add link to entire rows, including all the content inside (text and pictures) and a hover effect to the same row like background color changes from white to light gray or something…

Vantage | Logo isn’t working

By Sérgio Henrique Araújo, 7 years ago
I tried several times to insert my logo but nothing happens. In all my tries the logo space remains blank. Does anyone have a solution for this? I’m going in Theme Settings > Logo Then I uploaded the image, but the space continues to show nothing… My URL is