
How to create new Template (SiteOrigin-North w WooCommerce)

By learning2, 7 years ago
Of course everything has changed since I started building this site. WordPress is now up-to-date with 4.6.1 (which auto updates automatically, this really scares me…) and I’ve updated to WooCommerce to 2.6.7. Everything I found related to creating a new template is now out-dated for the versions I’m using. I copied the WooCommerce template folder…

Siteorigin social media icon issue

By kuldeepsingh, 7 years ago
Hello Siteorigin team, First of all congratulations for creating such a helpful CSS Editor and Live editor. I have a question about social media icon on footer contact page on my website. After every social media icon, it shows a small black colour link sign and then next social media icon. Can you please help…

Forest Canyon Theme

By Deborah Lynne Pope, 7 years ago
I’m a newbie and wondering if someone can help me with a drop down box. I’m wanting to do something like this site. www.allprowaterflow.com find a dealer for service. I have made a tab called advertise. When it is clicked I need a drop down with select hotel by state and I can list all…

Flip-box and Ie 11

By Matthew Halliday, 7 years ago
Hello! We have recently implement Site-Origin’s awesome Flip-Box widget on our homepage. Everything is working as expected in Chrome (and even Edge) however in IE 11, the flip-box does not show the backing on flipping and instead just vanishes. Can anyone suggest why this might be occurring in IE11 and how it might be fixed?…

yoast seo conflict

By Mark Ogner, 7 years ago
Hi there, i don’t know if i am the only one but the guys at athemes told me to contact you. I am running sydney free theme with page builder and so widget bundle. 10 or 14 days ago i noticed some stranbe behaviour on my site when on tablet. then on my laptop i…

How Do I Start Over Again?

By Frank W, 7 years ago
I am trying to design our website using your free version of the theme Vantage. Somewhere along the way, I have managed to lose the entire menu bar and generally bollocks the entire page! I would like to just begin over again, but though I have deleted and then re=added the Vantage theme, what appears…

How to remove a Widget from a row.

By moonbow9, 7 years ago
Hi- New to using siteOrigin and WordPress and I am looking to remove a widget from a row. Does anyone know where I can do this? I see I can delete a row and duplicate a row and add new widgets, but I can’t find the spot to remove a widget from the row. thanks!

Center align a video

By moonbow9, 7 years ago
Hi Support team- I am a new user of site origin and novice to WordPress. I am having trouble aligning a video using the SiteOrigin Video Player. Is there a way to do this? Right now the video is left justified and I don’t see an option to center. Thanks for your help!

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