
vantage theme

By bizikim, 9 years ago
Dear friends, i am using the vantage theme, but i cannot see editor option from appearance. i need help, please. thanks.

Issue with Inserting Media

By Luxury Homme, 9 years ago
When I try to insert an image into the “visual editor” widget via the WordPress “Insert Media” screen, nothing happens when I click “Insert Into Post”.

Siteorigin button widget

By Joey Carrapichano, 9 years ago
Hi there. I have a questions. Can I use the siteOrigin button widget to open a plugin (vimeography in this case) on a page… hence linking to a shortcode instead of a page or post?

SiteOriging pagebuilder widget not working

By Chiel Oude Breuil, 9 years ago
Hi, Im coding my own theme at the moment, and I love using Pagebuilder. But now, unfortunately it isn’t working, im using the pagebuilder in my footer area. So I use the widget inside that area, but all the columns get a 100% width and dont go next to each other. For example I choose…

Page Builder text shows on iPhone but not on computer!

By fltrish, 9 years ago
I’ve just added Page Builder plugin to my site and created a page. Good News: On my iPhone, I can view the page, borders and text. Bad News: On my computer (Macbook), I can view the page, borders and NO text. I want the text to appear on all devices. Please help! URL: http://www.teamdigusa.com/prices-dig/

Main Menu in Header Design

By Kristen Nina Riehle, 9 years ago
Hi guys! I have two questions that I’ve been struggling with. Although I found some helpful tips in other threads, I can’t seem to solve the issue of the space between my menu and the stretched image I’ve embedded on my Services Page. http://www.luminouscreationsbynina.com/services/ I’ve set the padding to 0px, I’ve tried to throw in…

Page Builder with TinyMCE Widget

By so_user_726, 9 years ago
I’ve been having issues creating posts and pages with Page Builder. Specifically, when creating a new page, with any type of widget (i.e. single row/column with Text widget), the contents will not save. The structure will, however. I’ve determined the issue is with Black Studio TinyMCE Widget. When this plug-in is deactivated, I’m able to…

How to check your theme installtion is upto date.

By cdcglasgow, 9 years ago
HI Guys We wanted to every now and again check to make sure our theme was upto date. Can I ask if you alert us in anyway if there is an update to your great theme? https://wordpress.org/themes/vantage/developers/ Is this still the place to locate original downloads? We are unsure where to go for these downloads.…

No contents if javascript disabled

By centaure, 9 years ago
Hello, I have a huge problem with the Page Builder for SEO ! Indeed all my pages using Page Builder and the content appears with a fade effect . So the content is displayed using javascript! This is a huge mistake to SEO level because google does not read javascript! I wish I could turn…

How to Align Search Icon to Left Side of Menu in Mobile

By Davies Media Design, 9 years ago
Hi there, I am wanting to align the search icon (in the main menu) on the mobile version of my site to the left side of the menu bar (but only on the mobile version!). The reason is that I have a custom menu that shows a hamburger menu in the same spot on the…

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