
Unique title for each page

By Andrea Hopkins, 7 years ago
I hide the title on each page with your hide function because the title does not fit in the design of the page. When I hide the title of each page, I think the title is hidden in the source code too.

Issue with Widget Background Color

By Tanner Thoman, 7 years ago
I am having an issue with the background color of widgets when I save my pages in Pagebuilder. If I create content within the WordPress editor and then use pagebuilder to change my layout...Once the content is in the SiteOrigin Editor widget it has this Tan background.

Message after submit Contact Form

By abladb, 7 years ago
Hi guys, I can’t find where is the message displayed at your Contact Template when I submit one. I mean, I am looking for the “Thank you for contacting us”. I would like to ask you if is there a way the template recognizes the message was sent or not. I mean, if wasn’t sent…

How can I clone…

By abladb, 7 years ago
… a page from your baseline template? I have used the template for making my page, but I would like to use the original page template again. How can I do it? You give us different layouts when we try to clone one, but none of them regards to Baseline. Thank you.

center copyright text

By Fabrice NOUNAHON, 7 years ago
Hello Please can you help me to center copyright text on this site : www.fondationportocapitale.org I’m using Siteorigin builder with Specia wordpress theme. I tried with some code like and but it didn’t work. thank for help

Price Table Flat Issues

By Niklas Tidbury, 7 years ago
My Themetrust Theme “Bramble” uses your Page Builder. So far I really like it, it works great and the front-end look of things is great. However, one issue bugs me. When the design of a Price Table is set to “Flat”, it does not show. When set to “Atom”, it shows, but looks terrible. I…

403 errors when using Live Editor

By cgdesign, 7 years ago
When using the Live Editor feature in the SiteOrigin PageBuilder plugin, I am getting a 403 error (access to this resource on the server has been denied). This is only happening on some pages. I do have Wordfence installed, which is what I thought was the problem at first, but deactivating and even uninstalling Wordfence…

How can I remove a thread from this Forum?

By msbt, 7 years ago
Hi again, I would like to remove my last thread from this forum, but can’t find a place to do so, even looked for a contact form to get in touch with you but there is none. Can anyone please do that for me? Best regards, M

North Theme Some doesnt appear

By jeamson, 7 years ago
Greetings, i am using free version of north theme, i want to know if this theme has limit the number of page can made. weird thing happen on my website, after sign out in my word press my newly created page is not visible. publish and public are activated already. before i spend money i…

Read More Tag

By centurioncg, 7 years ago
I am using the new WordPress 4.7.2 and the Site Origin Rich Text Editor, which is an important Widget to use in many of the Pages, does not allow for the “Read More” button to be used. Will this be fixed? Is there a workaround?

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