
Position Hero Title?

By Multimastery, 7 years ago
Hello, Is there a way to position the hero title in the exact place that I want it? Right now, in the Hero content area I wrote a title and for background I set an image. But the problem is that I can’t get the title to appear exactly where I want it to over…

Header on every page

By marketing2017, 7 years ago
Hi guys Thank you for this spectacular tool I love it. I am new to this so hope I get my explanation clear. so I have made a website and it functions great for the home page however… when I make page 2 and preview it the header is not present. I just get and…

Canonicalisation for meta description

By duncanwilliam, 7 years ago
Hiya Guys, I was wondering if you can help. I have a Premium theme blog with direct feed to my home page but no matter what I do, or change there still seems o be recurring canocolization for my meta description only. I wonder if anybody has any suggestions or ideas on how I can…

Layout builder title

By micemade, 7 years ago
Hi, is there some hook/action or method ( which I perhaps missed ), that can add title to Layout Builder widget, at least for layout admin, to help identify Layout Builder’s content inside ? Thanks, Alen, Micemade

image between two divs

By Francisco Miguel Hernandez Maldonado, 7 years ago
Hello, I wanted to know if it is possible to place an image between two rows, that is, the image is in both layers as background. Because I try to create a row with a background image, but it does not fit what I need. I attached an image so that it can be seen…

Textarea on contact form not working

By swisslight, 7 years ago
I did a contact form with the form builder widget of site origin. Also it contained a text area to type a message. When I checked the form after on the website, i was not able to type any text in the text area. The field appeared and also all the other fields worked correctly.…

Widget bug

By Руслан Умеров, 7 years ago
Sorry for bad English. Hello to the newly installed website when I edited the Demo content there are widgets that are in error “Widget Smart_Widget_Section_Header unavailable. Please install the missing plugin. Seek advice on the technical support forum if You need help.” Please tell me what widget is missing? Better is you have a link.…

Vantage – Columns

By Moreno Serino, 7 years ago
Hi everyone, I’m customizing my page with Vantage theme. I added a row with 3 columns, however I would like to have in a tablet device 1 column full 100% and the others 50% 50% width aligned horizontally. Is it possible?

Parallax on mobile and tablet

By Rob Castles, 7 years ago
I’ve added a parallax background to be full-width on the row settings. However, it only works on the desktop view. On the tablet and mobile it displays a static image. However, if I add a parallax background to a plain text widget within the same row (and remove the row parallax background) – the background of…

Footer and body of page not fitting in Mobile.

By Dhandapani Muthu, 7 years ago
I thank u very much for the wonderful vantage theme. I have designed and developed website using vantage theme ( nsso.csb.gov.in). The footer and some pages are showing width very lengthy and not fitting in mobile screen. The fonts are also changed in some pages. Dhandapani Muthu

Show only items in this category

By Benjamin Alexanian, 7 years ago
Hello, I have a problem. Before coming here, I tried for many hours but I do not find the solution sorry … I wish that on one of my pages (page 1) I access my articles of category 1 and I wish That on my page 2, I access my category 2. I tried with…

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