
Customize widget footer issue

By KY C, 4 years ago. Last reply by Andrew Misplon, 4 years ago
Hi, I’m using SiteOrigin Unwind and have a question for unsolved issue. When i do customize for widget footer, it shows an error message like below. Could u guide me to an answer? Request-URI Too Long The requested URL’s length exceeds the capacity limit for this server. Additionally, a 414 Request-URI Too Long error was…

Submenu going under Hero Slider

By SteveGM, 4 years ago. Last reply by Andrew Misplon, 4 years ago
Using Theme Customify, submenu items are disappearing under the Hero when a slider is present. I have used SO Custom CS plugin and F12 developer tools to try to change the z-index of various menu/header selectors (as suggested in other threads) but with no success. Site is at www.cre8fc.com Club Information menu option has several…

Scroll links to row Id anchor

By Sally Pilkington, 4 years ago. Last reply by Andrew Misplon, 4 years ago
I have got some long pages that I would like to add scroll links to. I have given my sections (rows) IDs in the attritube tanb Is it possible to link to the row ID somehow, or do I still need to make an anchor in the content of the row, eg the header. I’m…

“Please add some content in your page.”

By Daniel Perez, 4 years ago. Last reply by Andrew Misplon, 4 years ago
I have 4 pages open that are part of offered content and have similar but tiered content. They were all working fine and when I added further content (Text) 2 of the pages decided to no longer link properly whilst the other 2 still work fine. Message is: Please add some content in your page”…

QT: Icon Box update not saved in this widget

By mohammad nadeem, 4 years ago. Last reply by Andrew Misplon, 4 years ago
hello Sir when i update any changes this widget then update the page then its not saved its back again same like before updation not saved https://acemaintenance.co.uk/services/garden-maintenance/ this link REQUEST A CALL BACK feature issue is there can you assist me why i was all plugin disable but same issue there Still Please help Thank…

Page Buulder: Errors after Upgrading.

By Flustered, 4 years ago. Last reply by Andrew Misplon, 4 years ago
Firstly, great plugin… I run an annual project and since Gutenburd was intriduced since last year, I was expecting to replace Page Builder with core Gurenburg. But it fally really short and can not replicate the site, so abandoning it! Instead, I upgraded everything, however after my first page update (which was successful), the editor…

How to customise field error validation messages

By Stuart Porter, 4 years ago. Last reply by Andrew Misplon, 4 years ago
Hi, I’ve added a couple of required fields to my SiteOrigin North site. I want to change the messages which pop up if the fields are not completed or completed incorrectly. Can anyone tell me how to do this please? Any help, much appreciated. Best wishes, Stuart

Fatal error: Call to undefined function siteorigin_page_setting() in

By 松本靖治, 4 years ago. Last reply by Andrew Misplon, 4 years ago
Hello, I got a fatal error on the products page of my website. The sidebar doesn’t show up anymore and I get this message: Fatal error: Call to undefined function siteorigin_page_setting() in wp-content/themes/vantage/sidebar-shop.php on line 10 There has been a critical error on your website. How could I fix the problem? Thank you very much…

Bug about Google Fonts in Vantage Premium theme

By Anusorn, 4 years ago. Last reply by Andrew Misplon, 4 years ago
Hi, I bought and used Vantage premium theme since 2016 (v2.6). The problem is, my website contain almost Thai content and it needs Thai subset fonts from Google Font. Anyway, this theme didn’t have option for these fonts set in the theme design section. My work around is host these web fonts on the server…

About image quality

By Madda, 4 years ago. Last reply by Andrew Misplon, 4 years ago
Dear Team SiteOrigin, Good day to you. I have a question about the image quality. I have posted a blod with the thmbnail image which is quite high quality, however when I see the photos with mobile and PC, the photos became a bit blurry. you can access my blog here https://sotokala.com As you see…

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