
Escaped HTML since 2.29.16

By johnAq, 17 days ago. Last reply by Alex S, 13 days ago
FYI, I’ve also asked this on the WordPress.org support forum on a similar sounding issue… https://wordpress.org/support/topic/these-strings-use-the-esc_html-function-and-are-not-translated-14/ Or, it may potentially/also relate to Technical changes cause issue with page builder since update 2.29.17 for shortcodes To reiterate: I have a problem to do with escaped html showing instead of formatted text in some widgets. After quite…

Pagebuilder for home page not working?

By rrodini, 1 month ago. Last reply by Alex S, 1 month ago
I am using siteorigin’s Corporate theme and pagebuilder for the home page. WordPress keeps forgetting (I’ve rebuild the page several times) that the home page is a pagebuilder page (it doesn’t display the tab in the editor). It seems to remember something as evidenced by the screenshot below. screenshot Am I doing something wrong? How…

Comments are disabled, but comment headers are not!

By dgold, 1 month ago. Last reply by Alex S, 1 month ago
For now, we don’t want to worry about comments on our site to collect stories of a beloved island that’s in danger of being developed. I’m using Unwind. I’ve disabled comments, but still comments are referenced in a header on the sidebar, and above each post/story alongside the date. I couldn’t find “comment” in CSS.…

Technical changes cause issue with page builder since update 2.29.17 for shortcodes

By jijonline, 2 months ago. Last reply by Alex S, 2 months ago
The issue is the following: When loading page content on another page via a shortcode the HTML tags are outputted as content instead of paragraphs and images see issue on our test environment (newest version of the page builder is active along with the widget bundle): https://ibb.co/pdqLFWk https://scdiscoveries700.e.wpstage.net/about/ Scroll a little bit down and click…

vantage.php error 14

By peterainbow, 2 months ago. Last reply by peterainbow, 2 months ago
hi, not sure when this started as it’s only on one page as far as i can tell i’ve updated to latest version of wordpress etc, i think i had something similar one time before [02-Jan-2024 13:34:57 UTC] PHP Fatal error: Uncaught TypeError: Cannot access offset of type string on string in /homepages/17/d824464523/htdocs/clickandbuilds/XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX/wp-content/plugins/siteorigin-panels/compat/vantage.php:14 Stack trace:…

Row Background Image Will Not Display

By brushyfork, 2 months ago. Last reply by Alex S, 2 months ago
Dear SiteOrigin, I am using WordPress version 6.5.4 with Vantage Theme version 1.20.22 with a child theme activated. I have built the new webpage for our church’s VBS using Page Builder’s Live Editor and it looks great. However, when I publish the real page the Row background image for the first row will not display…

Code being stripped

By Glen, 4 months ago. Last reply by Andrew Misplon, 3 months ago
I have a simple text-box popup on my page, and it calls on a php function script which resides in the header. I am adding code (in text view) to create this very simple popup. It is triggered on the front end via a link click. (I cannot find a plugin that isn’t all about…

version 2.29.15 to 2.29.16: different output and args won’t work

By Rico, 3 months ago. Last reply by Rico, 3 months ago
Hi Team, i have a widget like in https://siteorigin.com/docs/widgets-bundle/getting-started/creating-a-widget/ In your plugin version 2.29.16 i have two problems: 1. the siteorigin_widget_post_selector_process_query like in https://siteorigin.com/docs/widgets-bundle/form-building/post-selector/ handels my args wrong: With the $output becomes [amp;posts_per_page] => 6 insteadt of [posts_per_page] => 6 for example. In 2.29.15 it’s correct. 2. The do_shortcode function can’t handle the code like…

Page Builder Interaction with “Insert Pages” Plugin

By chris_munich, 3 months ago. Last reply by Andrew Misplon, 3 months ago
Hi all, The recent update to Page Builder 2.29.16 broke my page layout. Background: I have Posts of different categories (e.g. Workshops, Shows), which themselves are based on Page Builder Layouts containing numerous widgets, among them Custom HTML Widgets. These posts are then included on the main Pages inside Page Builder Layouts using the Insert…

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