
Vintage Header

By pakhimal, 8 years ago
I have add body.home header#masthead hgroup { display:none; } This code in CSS my Header removed and when i remove this code from My CSS Code the is still Removed. Please tell me how can bring my header back?

SiteOrigin Slider Double Image Problem

By James Smith, 8 years ago
When the images appear there is a second version of the same picture behind the original picture. If I put the graphic in the front position, the first picture in the set will appear and then everything else disappears until it comes back to picture #1 again which appears, then the entire process starts over…

SiteOrigin Button Not Displaying

By Brandon Wolfe, 8 years ago
Hello, I am using the page builder feature and when I create a button using the SiteOrigin Button, it only displays the text not a button. Now it just displays the text and no button so I am messing around with the color scheme however it still just shows the text, no button.

“Social Media Buttons” + “Intergalactic”

“offending” page: http://ability.dbjdbj.org/vma7/vm-architects/ “Social Media Buttons” widget does not show any but first FaceBook button. Consistently. Theme is child of “Intergalactic” if Theme is the problem please advise on another theme which needs to look like an “absolutely blank sheet of paper” :) Please advise ps: CSS changes are these:

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