
Uptade a widget with a field

By Roman Ranniew, 7 years ago
I have a custom widget written. Pages are already created containing that widget. How can I add a field or an variable to all of the same widgets type instances at once? I need a static ID of each widget created. Would creating a hidden input and running wp_update_post function would suffice? Or maybe there…

image on the bottom of the vantage footer

By Urs Ellers, 7 years ago
Sorry for this, guys, but i don’t have no more ideas to solve my problem. On our page PadAlz e.V. Site i need a picture continouing on every page. So the best place was in the footer. But vantage only show the way as widget in one line. I need the only widget line to…

Read more not linking to posts

Hi, I have a standard page setup with the builder, and if i use either Blog list or Blog Grid the readmore button will only link back to the page again that is setup with blog grid and not the individual post. How do i correct this? http://prntscr.com/dckpo6 http://prntscr.com/dckqj8 I have two pages setup the…

Page Builder tab does not work in WordPress

By StevenService, 7 years ago
I am building a new WordPress website using a chrome browser. I am following instructions graciously provided by Greg Narayan https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eYF23mCGiDw. I have installed 6 plugins suggested (Lightweight Social Icons, Meta Slider, Page Builder by SiteOrigin, SiteOrigin CSS, SiteOrigin Widgets Bundle, WP Video Lightbox). When I begin to edit the Front Page I see the…

Hero Image mobile responsive text

By Jeffrey Ng, 7 years ago
Hello, Regarding the Hero Image widget, I know it is not responsive for mobile. I do however want the text to be responsive, so it is contained within the borders of the phone and does not run off-screen. My problem is exactly like this thread: https://siteorigin.com/thread/hero-image-mobile-responsive-text/ but I am unsure of how to do this…

Posted By

By maslzr, 7 years ago
How can I add the word “”Posted By”” before the author instead of the word “By” of WordPress Vantage Theme posts.

Column Fonts being weird

Hi So on my page I made 4 different columns. Each of them have a heading and subheading. 3 out of 4 of the headings are fine. But one of them keeps shrinking the font to a really small size, and there isn’t a font resizer option, so I am really confused as to why…

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