
Meta slider loading issues

By Alice Gardiner, 7 years ago
Hi there – I am using the meta slider on the home page of a website using the vantage theme (www.medina-aberystwyth.co.uk). My issue is that whenever the homepage is loading, the slider image loads in two stages. Initially if you head to the website the slider image only loads 3/4 of the way across the…

SiteOrigin Image Widget Customisation

By Tim Acreman, 7 years ago
Hello, first time here. I just wanted to add more options to the image size drop down list in the SiteOrigin Image widget. Cant for the life of me find the code. Have been through a heap of file but i dont know where to look. Can someone please point me in the right direction?…

Rocked_Video_Widget is not available

By Moriah Diamond Maui, 7 years ago
No more videos or side bar. and I also get this error: “”The widget Rocked_Video_Widget is not available. Please try locate and install the missing plugin. Post on the support forums if you need help.”” I no longer see the Rocked_Video_Widget instead i see a video player widget on the SiteOrigin Widgets Bundle. How do…

Vantage Theme – Blog Grid Style

By Tyler Reichard, 7 years ago
Hi everyone, I’ve been struggling to make my blog look nice. I really like the “grid” style for a blog page. I downloaded the Content Views widget and copied the code into my blog text widget and it’s not showing the grid at all. Is there another setting to check to allow the grid to…

Issue with Horizontal Alignment for Widgets

By Iluho International, 7 years ago
Hi, I am building a site called http://www.heiu.sg/. If you open up the link, you would see that I have Smart Slider on top and another row of 3 widgets. The slider was forced stretched via Appearance -> Custom CSS: .siteorigin-panels-stretch { padding-right: 0 !important; padding-left: 0 !important; } My questions are: 1. The 3…

No Full Width

Sorry, I read many posts about this problem and tried changing the settings several times to no avail. Page is at http://journeypartners.com/test-pagebuilder-page/ The dark blue row is set as full-width (stretched also doesn’t work, although the content is stretched, but not background.) Thnk you.

Row layout – full width stretched

Hello guys I am trying to make the row with four columns centred. I try everything that comes to my mind (adding custom CSS ) but can’t make this row to be centred and all for columns to be on with same spacing. Need help to solve this ? http://prnt.sc/dhqsk6

Aligning text with the image inside the column

Hello guys I am trying to make the row with four columns centred. I try everything that comes to my mind (adding custom CSS ) but can’t make this row to be centred and all for columns to be on with same spacing. Need help to solve this ? http://prnt.sc/dhqsk6 ………………… Found what cause the…

Herro Image Not Displaying Correctly

By Chris Hannon, 7 years ago
I am working on a site using the free version of Page Builder and I am having an issue with the Hero Image on the site’s front page not displaying correctly in some situations. The URL is dev.fleurdelismarketing.com/rivalry. I am using the free theme called Make, which I have used many times before with no…

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