
When i am installing the siteorigin css i got error

By himanshu kumar, 7 years ago
Warning: is_readable(): open_basedir restriction in effect. File(G:PleskVhostskalpshreeinfosystems.comkalpshreeonlineacademy.com/wp-content/plugins/G:PleskVhostskalpshreeinfosystems.comkalpshreeonlineacademy.comwp-contentpluginsso-css//languages/so-css-en_US.mo) is not within the allowed path(s): (G:/PleskVhosts//kalpshreeinfosystems.com;C:WindowsTemp) in G:PleskVhostskalpshreeinfosystems.comkalpshreeonlineacademy.comwp-includesl10n.php on line 561

Headline background color

By morsagmon, 7 years ago
Hi. I’m taking my first steps with your page builder. I could not find where I can change the background color of the Headline widget. In this page you can see the yellow background of the second widget (containing text “Speaking business language with you…”). Where can I change this color?

Mulitple media upload inside a repeat

By Roman Ranniew, 7 years ago
Hello :) I’m a developer. Is it possible to make a repeater item with media type field (custom made widget), then allow a user to select multiple files, so the repeater fields would automatically add repeater items with corresponding files? If not, is it possible, to somehow add a working ACF repeater inside a widget?…

Get all CSS for a post

By Linuzitac, 7 years ago
How can I get all the needed inline css for a specific post generated by the page builder? I will send the post data over the REST API and i want to attach the needed css for the post. The global variable gives me the needed css for the containers, but i will also need…

Slider image height in Vantage

By birdsong, 7 years ago
I have Metaslider set to 600 px high but my images (also 600 px high) are being stretched and the tops and bottoms are being cut off. How can I solve this? http://www.platformcapital.ca/ http://www.platformcapital.ca/wp-content/uploads/2016/10/map600.jpg

Best way for layout 2 column

By Davide Filippi, 7 years ago
Hi all, I’m trying to do a layout with 2 column. The left one must to be fixed and contain a list of name product that have to be linkable. The right one is the target of that link. It contain [title of product (link target)- description]. What is the best way to do this?

Hero heading + video not responsive

By idanicole, 7 years ago
Hi SiteOrigin, I’ve been looking around your support site for answers to this issue: As you can see in screenshot 1, the heading is not responsive, meaning that the lines are just bulked over each other. Do I have to fix this with some kind of CSS? Screenshot 2 shows my editor. I made the…

Origami Theme Full Background

By Steff, 7 years ago
I’d like to use Origami theme on a website however I encounter a small problem. When I upload an image as background for the theme there is no way to make it “fit” the entire screen. Is there a way to make it auto-adjust to different resolutions? I don’t want to tile it. Thanks!

Hero widget width problem

Hi! I’ve read multiple threads about this but none has solved my problem. I can’t make my hero widget full width.. There’s a small space left which i can’t seem to cover… My website: http://www.jesperpoulsen.se/ Using “North template”

Creating an Automatic Table

By Connor Waites, 7 years ago
I’ve run into an issue with making a table fill out automatically. The table is to be used for a competition my company is running, so I need the “Button” to add people who want to join the event onto the table. This is what my table is right now (very basic I know). Position…

Removing image border/Centering text

By gphillips, 7 years ago
Hi, I am not using one of your themes. I do want to know how to insert styles into the rows or widgets. I have tried various combinations of code I know to no avail. For a specific example I can do this manually with html: “Enhancing Your Revenue Cycle Management” This will center the…

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