
Setting up custom class for a cell

By dameer dj, 8 years ago
I’ve been using Page Builder for a while now and by me there’s really something missing… Let’s say you create 3 cells row. Cell #1 has 1 widget, cell #2 has 3 widgets, cell #3 has 2 widgets My cell #2 holds 3 image widgets that are supposed to be shown with no bottom margin.…

Video Widget

hello i wonder whether i can upload MOV videos to my google drive and add the link into the page builder video widget for a background video. do u have tutorials of how to use the video widget in page builder to create background videos with different options? thank u in advance

Hide Up RSS From My Webpage

By Tan Cheasien, 8 years ago
Currently i am using Vantage Theme for my website. My website address www.ameref.com I would like to seek for technical support help to hide up the RSS which show in my webpage- “”Service Page”” It look very ugly because the web contents suddently come out a RSS option. Under wordpress “”Appearance””- “”Editor””-“”theme fuction”” my coding…

space below ngg slideshow

By lesdelicesdadriana, 8 years ago
Hi all, I’m using Page Builder for my articles. And if I add a NGG galery slideshow, it creates a big space below the slideshow only on small device. On my desktop, the text appears right below the galery, but on a smartphone (or if you decrease the size of the windows), it makes a…

shortcode for button ?

By Francois v, 8 years ago
I’m wondering if there is a way to create a shortcode for the site origin button… I need to insert buttons in places where I cannot use the widget (inside a div) so I need shortcode… Is there anyway to do that ?? thank you F

Post Grid content field manual editing

hai, i am developing my site using siteorigin pagebuilder . In a single page i would like to display the preview of a number of pages as a list , so the users can select the one from that list. I have tried a number of page widget grid plugin.The preview works fine but i…

Bug Plugin SIte Orign

By ghostcie, 8 years ago
Hi, Since the last utpdate of WordPress all my site had loose it content. when I use an old backup , the plugin still does not operate normally and the contents are still missing. What can I do? Thank you to you in advance

alignment’s problems with ubermenu in safari

By spifferaio, 8 years ago
Hi, I use vantage premium and ubermenu. I noticed a difference just in safari in the alignment of menu, the layout is set on logo in masthead. I used the css code I found on this forum: /* UberMenu */ .ubermenu { margin: 30px 50px 0px 0px; } and it works great on every browser…

Several customizing issues

By Javier Aristín, 8 years ago
Hi I’ve got several questions. I’ll write on here in order to speed up response. I hope I do it in the right way. My blog is japon-secreto.com -Custom post layout: Can I show every post with a custom layout (the same custom layour for ALL of them)? for example: the post and some other…

circle icon

By Louise Mason, 8 years ago
Hi I love using circle icons on my site. I am using css to hide the more button .circle-icon-box .more-button { display: none;} but on some areas of the site I do want to display the more button I attempted to create a custom class but this doesn’t work – i’m not sure I have…

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