
Template customization: sidebar and archive title

By Rah Yuliantoro, 8 years ago
Hi, 1. I want to remove the word “Category Archives:” on the display page of post category. Where can I find the file to change that? https://www.dropbox.com/s/ltoqhtpx4insip2/Screenshot%202016-07-08%2000.08.58.JPG?dl=0 2. I have managed to move the sidebar to the left on normal view by changing the #primary and #secondary floats. But when seeing at smaller screen (where…

Custom Class Link for button

By Hassan Moukadem, 8 years ago
Hello, my site is bylyne.com as you can see there is a button called subscribe to news letter, but its: 1- un clickable 2- i am trying to make a custom link to a custom class for a newsletter popup in which i need to use this url Subscribe to Newsletter any advice? thank you

Fixed left image in Page Builder

Hi guys, I would like to build a blogsite with a fixed image on the left side of the page. The right side is for Blog titles and short descriptions, you should be able to scroll down while the left side stays the same. See enclosed image of my idea. Is this possible using Page…

Change the Product Color in the Cart

By Brett Eagle, 8 years ago
Hi guys I need to change the color for my product discriptions in the cart section of my website from transparent to black. I have tried pasting this into my CSS with out any luck, am i doing something wrong? .entry-content a, .entry-content a:visited, #secondary a, #secondary a:visited, #masthead .hgroup a, #masthead .hgroup a:visited {…

Row edit…

By praxit77, 8 years ago
I edited a row on my page a few days ago. The side panel read: Attribute/theme/design. Now it reads: Attribute/layout/design. My row lost the top border color edit from the theme attribute. I cant find it anywhere or how to fix it. ..any ideas? thanks. PS.. you guys did an awesome job with the page…

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