
Make Woocommerce single product page Full width

By Jas Singh, 7 years ago
Hello Everyone, I am using Vantage theme for my first wordpress site – https://www.surgimedex.in I want to make the woocommerce single product pages have a full width and not show any sidebar or sidebar space. I have removed the sidebar by adding following php snippet but i am unable to get to the proper css…

Vertically align widget text and images

Hi, I want to vertically align the widget text and images. So far I’ve been using this for each panel I need vertically centered: #pgc-4-0-1.panel-grid-cell { display: inline-block; float: none !important; vertical-align: middle; } However, I’d like a more general solution so I won’t have to insert so much custom CSS in the page. Maybe…

Tabs structure

By karim wael, 7 years ago
hello and thanks for your great plugins i have a problem making a certain page structure on my membership website i wanna make a page with builder which looks like this image View post on imgur.com this is real example website what i want mine looks like View post on imgur.com so it seems something…

pagination with siteorigin posts loop

By michel lompret, 7 years ago
I discover the post selector but I have one question how do you add a pagination to the post args. I try with $processed query = siteorigin widget post selector process query( $post selector pseudo query ); $paged = ). get query var( 'paged' ) : 1; $processed query = $paged; $query result = new…

How to make Consultant header using North theme?

By Badral Lkhagva, 7 years ago
Hello! I’m using ‘North’ theme. Also I downloaded Consultant which is built with ‘North’, too. But their top menu is absolutely different. And I cant figure it out on my own. How can I make that top menu on empty ‘North’ theme. Can anybody tell me? please. thank you

Vantage theme not responsive

By M_so_web, 7 years ago
Hello My Vantage Theme is not fully responsive. Besides some scrambled text, menu line is same as fill width page. The demo-video shows collapsed menu, but mine is same in all widths and it’s unreadable. Is responsive layout only for pro version? I added some custom css. Removing it doesn’t solve the problem.

Houzz Logo for Social Widget

Hi Just thought I’d share this as I was looking for Houzz this logo for the social media widget All I did was edit plugins > so-widgets-bundle > widgets > social-media-buttons > data > networks.php And added this code after ‘hacker news’ (line 157 in this version) ‘houzz’ => array( ‘label’ => __( ‘Houzz’, ‘so-widgets-bundle’…

SiteOrigin hero is not responsive on mobile

By Claudio Bertazzoni, 7 years ago
Hello, I have a site with themplate Zerif light and SiteOrigin images are not getting responsive on the mobile wwww.cfe.com.br/servicos-ortopedica I wonder if there is a way to solve this problem. I’m waiting for an answer. Thank you. Ps. Sorry for the not so good english

screen size photos

By maktom, 7 years ago
Hello, I’m using wordpress Boardwalk template and SiteOrigin plugin. I would like to build pages of full screen width for all content text , images, paralax images etc. I’m making test but all pages are only +- 500 pixel width? Can anybody advise pls

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