
widgets in the footer area

By Thorsten Rink, 7 years ago
Hi! I have got a problem with the footer area. I would like to display two widgets next to each other, but they are displayed to me one above the other. The Internet: www.verpe.org Thanks for your support

How to add premium code to vantage easily

By Wayne Printer Todd, 7 years ago
I noticed a previous thread never had this info in so i thought i will add it as a new thread for those looking. Just install the vantage them as normal, go into customize and on the left side bar choose premium… enter code ;) It will then unlock the treasure chest and you can…

Prebuilt Layouts problem

By wassand, 7 years ago
Hello, I keep having an issue with one of my websites to use the prebuilt layouts. When I add a new page and click on the prebuilt layouts I get the message “Your search didn’t return any results”. I have tried everything: changing themes from Vantage to North to Unwind. Page Builder and Widget Bundles…

Duplicate a widget?

By siatrisx, 7 years ago
I need to use the post-carousel widget in 2 different formats. So I went into the folder pluginsso-widgets-bundlewidgetspost-carousel And duplicated the file post-carousel.php, renaming it post-carousel-560.php and changing the functions and names in that file. I also duplcated the template ad css files, changing the link to them. When I go in the SiteOrigin Widgets…

Logo position changing

By Zheen Bag, 7 years ago
while I change language of my site the logo and headline are changing according to language alignment but actually what I want is to block the logo and headline position like as its In English Below is my website: Home

Adding Custom Fields to Image Widget

By maddie.malling, 7 years ago
Hi guys! I have been searching around all the documents in this forum and really struggling to get this working. Every time I try something from the documentation my site crashes. All I am trying to do is add a ‘subtitle’ field in the image widget. Please can someone help with what I need to…


By Linda Carlen, 7 years ago
Hi, I have a small problem: On the blogpost I have a featured pic. Under this pics there is a small part of text finnished by […] . How do I turn this […] into a read more link. As it is now the featured pic is the link, but I would like the […]…

Live Editor not showing up when using Domain Mapping plugin.

By leslieg, 7 years ago
We have a domain mapping plugin and for our domain mapped sites, Live Editor doesn’t show the preview. Our multi-site admin interface uses sub-domains and a mapped domain for the front end. It seems that the difference in URLs is causing an error: “Refused to display ‘https://labor-stage.ucsc.edu/?siteorigin_panels_live_editor=true’ in a frame because it set ‘X-Frame-Options’ to…

Post loop takes away the headline, not good.

By Linda Carlen, 7 years ago
Hello again, The headline I use in the complete blog post on the post own page,is gone when I use the Post Loop widget to display post excerpton the Blog Page. The headline becomes a part of the text and moves from center to the left and looses it´s heading 3 status Why? So :…

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