
Vantage – Place Main Menu over the slider.

By Apokey lips, 7 years ago
Is it at all possible to layer the main navigation menu over the slider? What I’m trying to achieve is having a semi-transparent main navigation menu over the slider. However what I repeatedly end up with is a slider that is over the top of my menu. I have used the following to move the…

Changing title font size in specific widget

By Alex McDermott, 7 years ago
Hi How do I change the size of the title font in my siteorgin editor widget on profilepimpers.com/our-services I don’t want the change the size of title font on every text widget, just for the headings ‘pimp my profile,’ ‘pimp my profile plus,’ and ‘VIpimp’ on this page Thanks

Use So PageBuilder alongside Visual Composer?

By George Plumley, 7 years ago
I have a client who likes using your PB plugin, but their company had a site built using Visual Composer. My client’s wondering if she can install PB and, on pages where VC is not being used, use PB instead. I don’t have a VC license so can’t try it out – wondered if anyone…

Space between the rows

By Roxane Amyot, 7 years ago
Hello, I have a problem on my website, here’s a screenshot. There is a little space between each row that have more than 1 widget. I try multiple css codes I past a lot of hours on this problem but nothing works. How to et rid of this white space between my row ? thank…

Slider just hangs between slides…

By jonf7, 7 years ago
Hi, Ever since I began using Vantage theme I simply created new slide, added new slide to settings and the two images did what I wanted on the home page…nice. Then after coming back to the site it just hangs between slides. I can remove or deactivate and then reset it and it will work…

Something Very Odd, slowing everything down

By David Orf, 7 years ago
I’ve been using page builder for some time now but all of a sudden some of my pages have massively slowed down and I think it might be a Page Builder issue with the Latest WordPress This Page http://www.downhillonly.com/get-involved/dho-journal/dho-journal-30/ has just 4 rows Top Row two widgets net two rows a single widget, bottom row…

widgets in the footer area

By Thorsten Rink, 7 years ago
Hi! I have got a problem with the footer area. I would like to display two widgets next to each other, but they are displayed to me one above the other. The Internet: www.verpe.org Thanks for your support

How to add premium code to vantage easily

By Wayne Printer Todd, 7 years ago
I noticed a previous thread never had this info in so i thought i will add it as a new thread for those looking. Just install the vantage them as normal, go into customize and on the left side bar choose premium… enter code ;) It will then unlock the treasure chest and you can…

Prebuilt Layouts problem

By wassand, 7 years ago
Hello, I keep having an issue with one of my websites to use the prebuilt layouts. When I add a new page and click on the prebuilt layouts I get the message “Your search didn’t return any results”. I have tried everything: changing themes from Vantage to North to Unwind. Page Builder and Widget Bundles…

Duplicate a widget?

By siatrisx, 7 years ago
I need to use the post-carousel widget in 2 different formats. So I went into the folder pluginsso-widgets-bundlewidgetspost-carousel And duplicated the file post-carousel.php, renaming it post-carousel-560.php and changing the functions and names in that file. I also duplcated the template ad css files, changing the link to them. When I go in the SiteOrigin Widgets…

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