
Copy a row to another page

By Bob Van Epps, 9 years ago. Last reply by Alex S, 8 years ago
I searched the forum for posts about the ability to copy a row, with all its contents and links and paste into another page. The only things that I could find were some old posts containing acknowledgements that this would be a great feature which might be offered down the road. Well, we are down…

Zoom On Image Hover Effect

By Jose AMezcua, 9 years ago. Last reply by SiteOrigin, 8 years ago
Hello Vantage team, Us again! Hope everything is great on your side. We come again to seek your support in the following subject: we would like to get a zoom effect when someone hovers on an image, just like the first image in this url: http://designshack.net/tutorialexamples/imagehovers/zoomandpan.html We are using the following code: We tried targeting…

Breadcrumbs / Navigation for Vantage Theme

By Kris Carter, 10 years ago. Last reply by Erica Dyson, 8 years ago
Hello! Well I have been making good progress on a new site for my client using Vantage. Two Questions: 1. Are Breadcrumbs available in the premium edition? 2. Are there recommended Breadcrumb plugins I should use? Such as Yost or Instant Breadrumbs if Breadcrumbs are not included in the purchased upgrade? 3. Will Yost SEO…

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