
Can’t arrange menu order

By BM, 9 years ago. Last reply by WordPress, 2 years ago
Dear Staff, After I activated the child them you guys kindly created for me to solve the search icon and scroll to top icon issue, I can’t change menu order. I switched back to my old child theme, then menu starts to function normally (“search icon” and “scroll to top icon” don’t work in my…

WooCommerce Shop Page

By Grant Thompson, 8 years ago. Last reply by Andrew Misplon, 4 years ago
The shop page is showing the same size font throughout even though I have a h1 and other size font within the WordPress page. https://www.grantthompson.co.uk/shop/ Any ideas? URL: https://www.grantthompson.co.uk/shop/

Having trouble editing home page

By angelaread, 8 years ago. Last reply by WordPress, 6 years ago
I am having trouble editing the home page. When I go to edit home page. It’s not the home page I’m seeing. I’m really confused. I want my home page to have a slider and the new post. It has the new post but when I go to edit home page and add a slider…

Footer Issue

By Dina, 8 years ago. Last reply by Andrew Misplon, 7 years ago
Hi, I know this question has probably been asked a few times but how to I force down the footer on all pages except the Home page? I tried this already: It fixes the problem for the other pages but then increase the container for the Home page too which I don’t want. Looking forward…

So-CSS plugin… any plans for SCSS?

By Scott Thomason (scott8035), 9 years ago. Last reply by Alex S, 7 years ago
I'm wondering...are there any plans to introduce SCSS syntax to the CSS Editor plugin. Also...don't forget to add the new CSS Editor plugin to the Theme or Plugin dropdown on this very forum post form.

Masthead Background Image

By lolo143, 9 years ago. Last reply by lolo143, 7 years ago
hi, Magnus, header#masthead .hgroup { background: center no-repeat; } the above listed CSS did not work to “center align & no repeat ” the Background image pls see if you can alter the css Rgds Stan

jetpack social button

By Nahdi Gefariann, 8 years ago. Last reply by Andrew Misplon, 7 years ago
Hi I have found a jetpack widget in my widget which is called “social media icons” it actually adds the button I have been looking for. But when I click on the fb button added by this widget I end up to a page saying : “Sorry, this page isn’t available The link you followed…

parallax effect vantage

By pelsar, 9 years ago. Last reply by carlotoscani, 7 years ago
I’m assuming its possible: some kind of parallax effect on my header pict so that the pict behind and the 3 black squares are not glued to each other and they scroll up at different speeds. URL: http://www.sharonnir.com/

Too much white space between rows in page builder

By Rachel Bolton, 9 years ago. Last reply by Gareth Archer, 7 years ago
There is a big gap of white space between the rows on my homepage, built with Page Builder, at www.grandriversoap.com. I’ve gone to Settings>Page Builder and set the Row Bottom Margin from 30 all the way down to 0. That didn’t change anything. I’ve also gone into ‘edit row’ in Page Builder and under ‘Theme’…

Tab Widgets

By Jeanp, 10 years ago. Last reply by Severine Sauvage, 7 years ago
Hi Guys Great job! Vantage premium is a really great theme. It’s combination with Page Builder, Meta Slider and Woocommerce plugin are a full wish. Two little tips: Could SiteOrigin recommend a TAB and ACCORDION Widget for use within Page Builder? and… Using custom CSS, what would be the best way to get no background…

Sidebar in Vantage Premium Theme

By David Price, 8 years ago. Last reply by Andrew Misplon, 7 years ago
Is there anyway to display a sidebar on the Vantage Premium Theme? I have been searching for a week and cannot find how to do it. I downloaded and activated the woosidebar pluggin, but not sure what to do now. Thanks.

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