
posting to the forums.

By ThemeBuddies, 6 years ago. Last reply by ThemeBuddies, 6 years ago
I have noticed that only the person who starts a thread and one of the people who work here can post on a thread. I have had answers for some posts but have not been able to participate in a thread that I did not start. Is this by design?

template not showing in custom widget

By ThemeBuddies, 6 years ago. Last reply by ThemeBuddies, 6 years ago
I made a custom widget and everything is showing fine in the back end. The widget is populated and the info saves. My problem is that nothing is showing on the front end. Not even simple html. I have shortened my code for easier reading. Just took out some of the settings. In the tpl…

premium purchase question

By ThemeBuddies, 6 years ago. Last reply by Alex S, 6 years ago
Are there any plans to finish the tutorials section of the site? I would like to learn how to build custom widgets within the page builder and a complete tutorial would help in that regard. If I were to purchase a premium account, would that include email support if I were to pose questions on…

nice names for post loops

By ThemeBuddies, 7 years ago. Last reply by Andrew Misplon, 7 years ago
I am trying to use the post loop widget to build some pages. I think it would work fantastic. One issue I have is with the naming convention. loop-content.php would show up in the post loop dropdown option as loop-content.php. Is there a way to give it a nice name so it could say “Single…

full width rows

By ThemeBuddies, 7 years ago. Last reply by ThemeBuddies, 7 years ago
I am working on a WordPress site that was put together with bootstrap. I am trying to get a row with a class of container-fluid so that it will be 100% of the browser window and then add the container class to center the content. The idea would be to achieve a look like the…


By ThemeBuddies, 9 years ago. Last reply by daisybee, 9 years ago
Did you guys get rid of the contribute area? I saw on the plugin a spot that asks for a donation but when I clicked it, it took me too your homepage with no sign of donation options.

background for search box

By Bobby A, 9 years ago. Last reply by Bobby A, 9 years ago
My website is www.sussexbaptist.byethost7.com i put a background image over the menu using the css code .main-navigation { background-image: url(“http://sussexbaptist.byethost7.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/01/Woven-Footer.jpg”); } and it worked fine. but behind the search box its still the same old grey color. is there a way to apply my image to the search box as well URL: http://www.sussexbaptist.byethost7.com

How to re-point a Url

By Andrew, 9 years ago. Last reply by Andrew Misplon, 9 years ago
Hi I am working on a new site which is currently just contained in a subfolder of my live site, until it is ready to go live. i.e. the WP files and login are housed in a ”testsite” folder. www.mylivesite.com/testsite/wp… etc. When the new site is ready to go live, can I simply change the…

Visual editor not working with Page Builder

By Stefanie Nielsen, 9 years ago. Last reply by Andrew Misplon, 9 years ago
Building a page – using the page builder… When I try to use the visual editor in page builder – I get NOTHING. I can put the visual editor widget into a row and click on the edit, but…. It’s as if it’s typing in white text and I don’t have ANY options for customizing…

Confused about Post Loop

By wiredpoet, 9 years ago. Last reply by Andrew Misplon, 9 years ago
Hi there, I used the page builder to put a post loop on the ‘Kids’ page to only show blog posts from Kids category. What confuses me is that the category doesn’t show up below the post like it does for the regular blog (my site isn’t live so I can’t give url. Here is…

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