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Page Builder Global Settings

To manage Page Builder’s global settings, navigate to SettingsPage Builder; there you’ll find the following tabs:


Post Types
Enabled post types will appear under this heading. The default WordPress post types are pages and posts. Other post types might appear depending on the plugins you have activated. For example, if WooCommerce is installed, the products post type will appear. Use the checkbox to enable or disable Page Builder for each post type.

Use Classic Editor for New Posts
New posts will be created using the Classic Editor. If no Page Builder data is detected when saving and the Classic Editor plugin is not installed, the post will revert to the Block Editor.

Live Editor Toolbar Link
Display a Live Editor link in the toolbar when viewing the site.

Live Editor Toolbar Link: Close After Editing
When accessing the Live Editor via the toolbar link, return to the site after saving.

Display Post State
Display a SiteOrigin Page Builder post state in the admin lists of posts/pages to indicate Page Builder is active.

Display Widget Count
Display a widget count in the admin lists of posts/pages where you’re using Page Builder.

Parallax Type
Modern uses HTML images and the CSS transform property. Legacy uses CSS background images and the CSS background-position property. Modern can be used with smaller images and offers better performance. However, it cannot cover larger areas than the base image; Legacy can. Modern is recommended.

Modern Parallax Settings

Disable Parallax On Mobile
Disable row/widget background parallax when the browser is smaller than the mobile width.

Parallax Delay
The delay before the parallax effect finishes after the user stops scrolling.

Parallax Scale
How much the image is scaled. The higher the scale is set, the more visible the parallax effect. Increasing the scale will result in a loss of image quality.

Legacy Parallax Settings

Disable Parallax On Mobile
Disable row/widget background parallax when the browser is smaller than the mobile width.

Limit Parallax Motion
How many pixels of scrolling results in a single pixel of parallax motion. 0 means automatic. Lower values give a more noticeable effect.

Sidebars Emulator
Page Builder will create an emulated sidebar that contains all widgets on the page.

Upgrade Teaser
Display the SiteOrigin Premium upgrade teaser in the Page Builder toolbar.

Default to Page Builder Interface
New Classic Editor posts/pages will start with the Page Builder loaded. The “Use Classic Editor for New Posts” setting must be enabled.

Layout Block Default Mode
Whether to display SiteOrigin Layout Blocks in edit mode or preview mode in the Block Editor.

Block Editor Layout Block Quick Add Button
Display the Add SiteOrigin Layout Block quick add button in the Block Editor.

Display the SiteOrigin Installer admin menu item.


Widget Title HTML
Use this field to edit the HTML outputted before and after each widget title in Page Builder. {{title}} is replaced with the widget title.

Add Widget Class
Add the widget class to Page Builder widgets. Most themes target this class. If theme widget styles negatively impact page Builder widgets, disable this setting.

Legacy Bundled Widgets
Load legacy widgets from Page Builder 1. Suitable for sites using Page Builder One bundled widgets that don’t wish to manually migrate their widget content to the Widgets Bundle widgets.

Recommended Widgets
Display recommend widgets in the Page Builder Add Widget dialog.

Instant Open Widgets
Open a widget form as soon as it’s added to a page.


Responsive Layout
Collapse widgets, rows, and columns on mobile devices.

Use Tablet Layout
Collapses columns differently on tablet devices.

Use Legacy Layout Engine
For compatibility, the Legacy Layout Engine switches from Flexbox to float when older browsers are detected.

Tablet Width
Device width, in pixels, to collapse into a tablet view.

Mobile Width
Device width, in pixels, to collapse into a mobile view.

Row/Widget Bottom Margin
Default margin below rows and widgets.

Mobile Row Bottom Margin
The default margin below rows on mobile.

Last Row With Margin
Allow margin below the last row.

Mobile Column Bottom Margin
The default vertical space between columns in a collapsed mobile row.

Mobile Widget Bottom Margin
The default widget bottom margin on mobile.

Row Gutter
Default spacing between columns in each row.

Full Width Container
The container used when stretching rows to Full Width or Full Width Stretched (Full Width has an unconstrained background with constrained content, Full Width Stretched has an unconstrained background and content).

Page Builder Layout CSS Output Location
This setting is only applicable in the Classic Editor. Choose between Automatic, Header, and Footer. Defaults to Automatic.

Inline Styles
Output Margin, Border, and Padding styles inline to reduce potential Cumulative Layout Shift.


Copy Content
Copy Page Builder content to the post content. Whenever edits are made in Page Builder, the content will be automatically copied to the post content (Visual/Text tabs). This is useful for plugins like Yoast SEO that need to analyze post content.

Copy Styles
Include styles in your Post Content. This keeps page layouts, even when Page Builder is deactivated.

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