Home>Support>Theme Corp

Header overlapping page anchors, theme corp

By NiekP, 2 years ago. Last reply by Andrew Misplon, 2 years ago
Hi guys, I ran into a strange problem when using a row anchor (#) from a button link, let me explain what happens. I have inserted a link to a row anchor in the header menu using the #. clicking the link takes me to the section/ anchor. This works perfectly, it even makes an…

Google fonts do not appear

By theotherstephen, 2 years ago. Last reply by Andrew Misplon, 2 years ago
In the theme customizer, I choose Google web fonts, and they show up in the preview, but when I look at the live site, they are never there. The live site is sicknwrongfilm.com (SFW, I promise). The headings should be in Rammetto One, and they look that way in the preview, but not out on…

Menu font-weight issue

By thmin, 2 years ago. Last reply by Andrew Misplon, 2 years ago
Hi, I have a strange behavior with Header Menu from Corp Theme. The Menu items on the “Start” page are not them same font-weight like the menu items when clicking on other menu links: Start page: https://ibb.co/YT6yMNx Contact page: https://ibb.co/q5dxSnb So the items on the start page are bold and on all other they are…

2 problems left with So-Copr theme

By Chris Royer, 2 years ago. Last reply by Andrew Misplon, 2 years ago
Hi, I’m almost done with my design from your Corp theme, but I’m left with 2 troubles : a) when collapsing to a mobile format, all menus are regrouped under the menu icon, which actually works fine. I just can’t set the color of this menu icon, that I’d like to match with the rest…

Corp – smooth scroll with Hero Button & other issue

By Datsyuk, 2 years ago. Last reply by Andrew Misplon, 2 years ago
Hi there, I just set up a new project using SiteOrigin Corp Theme which is really great. I entcountered two issues with smoth scroll within Corp. First is, that it does not seem to work with the button in the hero widget. When clicking the button the side jumps directly without smooth scroll (and also…

Customize single page header

By gaialabs, 2 years ago. Last reply by Andrew Misplon, 2 years ago
Hello, With SiteOrigin Corp theme you can change the header style of each page (light or dark menu, etc.). I would need to customize the header of the single page for a new post type I created. Is there a way to do this ? I already created the new loop/content templates. Thanks in advance

#top scroll animate in Corp theme

By yomo_1234, 2 years ago. Last reply by Andrew Misplon, 2 years ago
Hi! Scrolling animation in anchor links works perfectly fine in Corp (great theme!), but I wanted also to add link to top in the footer, like: The link works, but the animation doesn’t. Is there a way to repair it? Thanks! Y

Corp default font

By vril, 2 years ago. Last reply by Andrew Misplon, 2 years ago
I use SiteOrigin Corp theme. I didn’t customize the typography. Corp works with default font settings. But which font was used by default? I’m afraid to experiment. This works really nicely now. I’m interested in what the font is because I want to make logos and banners by using the same font. Thanks in advance,…

Footer widget widths with Corp theme

By Heather, 3 years ago. Last reply by Andrew Misplon, 2 years ago
Hello, I am using Copr theme, and I have 3 widgets for the footer, but I would like to adjust the widths so that the 3rd (last one) is wider- example: 20% / 30% / 50% I tried some options after browsing the support forum here, but nothing is working. Also, the text content of…

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