
Logo Carousel Widget

Hi Guys, I’m using Site Origin on my website https://24hourmanandvan.minicabmuswellhill.co.uk (this is just a dev domain.lol) What I’d like to do is add a widget to the homepage showing companies that we’ve worked for, a bit like a carousel. I don’t mind if this can’t be done and they have to be static, just as…

Site Origin Post Carousel with The Events Calendar

By Rooster Run, 6 years ago
I can’t seem to filter the Site Origin Post Carousel by category for post type Events from The Events Calendar. I’m using Page Builder with SO Post Carousel in a widget and Post Query settings of: Post Type: Events Taxonomies:tribe_events_cat:race Any ideas?

Getting rid of whitespace?

By Dutzyj, 6 years ago
I’m not exactly sure how to articulate this question. the website is terrapinwoods.com. I would like to get rid of the extra white space on the left and right side of the text, so that the margin between where the text ends and the row ends is closer together. Adding padding to the row brought…

Widget Post with images not show correct content

By Maria Patricia Sanchez Huanqui, 6 years ago
Hellow, I use the publication of widgets with images with pagebuilder and SiteOrigin on my website but the content shown in the left sidebar is not correct. Shows the content of the active page but not the content of the entry of recents posts. My site is http://luzderenacimiento.org. Help me please.

Images overlaying in responsive mode

By Michael Bell, 6 years ago
Hi, I can’t seem to work out how to stop my images stacking on top of one another when entering responsive mode. eg. test.thehybridminds.com) I have a row with three columns, each column has a background image and a layout builder with some text and a button. For the most part the images seem to…

Title in browser not changing

By Cansel Acct, 6 years ago
Sorry if this has been asked but I can’t find the answer. I am using the Vantage theme, which I love. My site is currently under construction. I have everything working perfectly and ready to go live except for one issue. My site title for my Home Page displays correctly in my browser. However, all…

Alignment problem since last update of SiteOrigin

By Noemi Laganière, 6 years ago
Hi guys, I just updated your plug-in on my website (idiomasol.ca) and it caused me a little problem. I had multiple things like this Counter Box on the home page (see screenshot) that are supposed to be in 3 columns. But since the update, I have them in one single column, aligned to the left…

SiteOrigin Widgets Bundle for Create

As of Create 1.1.4 update, the SiteOrigin Widgets Bundle for Create plugin is no longer required. If you’re using a version of Create newer than 1.1.4, you can remove SiteOrigin Widgets Bundle for Create and install the main version of SiteOrigin Widgets Bundle. Before Proceeding, do a backup. Once you’ve done that, please navigate to…

Search in menu

By Evgine Shahinyan, 10 months ago. Last reply by Andrew Misplon, 10 months ago
I installed the Vantage theme (free version). I created a Vantage child theme. Now when I turned on Customize -> Theme Settings -> Menu Search, it doesn’t show up in the menu. Are these options only available in the professional version?

Menu item fades

By Dude Schmitti Schmidt, 10 months ago. Last reply by Dude Schmitti Schmidt, 10 months ago
When clicking on a menu item, change the tab and return to the site, the clicked menu item fades out (when hovering over it it re-appears for the hovering time) and only re-appears if I click on another menu item.

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