Header on every page

By marketing2017, 7 years ago
Hi guys Thank you for this spectacular tool I love it. I am new to this so hope I get my explanation clear. so I have made a website and it functions great for the home page however… when I make page 2 and preview it the header is not present. I just get and…

image between two divs

By Francisco Miguel Hernandez Maldonado, 7 years ago
Hello, I wanted to know if it is possible to place an image between two rows, that is, the image is in both layers as background. Because I try to create a row with a background image, but it does not fit what I need. I attached an image so that it can be seen…

Vantage – Columns

By Moreno Serino, 7 years ago
Hi everyone, I’m customizing my page with Vantage theme. I added a row with 3 columns, however I would like to have in a tablet device 1 column full 100% and the others 50% 50% width aligned horizontally. Is it possible?

Show only items in this category

By Benjamin Alexanian, 7 years ago
Hello, I have a problem. Before coming here, I tried for many hours but I do not find the solution sorry … I wish that on one of my pages (page 1) I access my articles of category 1 and I wish That on my page 2, I access my category 2. I tried with…

Page with transparency imposing on slider – howto?

By Dominik Ozi, 7 years ago
Hallo, I’m very satisfied user of the Vantage plugin. I’m looking a way to create a look similar to this website: http://bit.ly/2kCDP1y My goal is to have a big slider with the “text page” with overlaps slider. As you see on this example background of the text page “Whatever you’re looking…” is optically white –…

Can I pull a different Google Font weight?

By DavePenn, 7 years ago
Hi I recently resolved an issue with an embedded booking system where the fonts on my website menu bar on any page that included the booking system would sharpen noticably and the menu would drop onto 2 lines. The issue was that the booking system CSS is pulling the following @import url(https://fonts.googleapis.com/css?family=Arimo:400,700); and the vantage…

remove botom margin from a single image widget

Hi, I’m trying to add a caption bellow the vertical image of the kid with his parents on this page https://playingforchange.org/dedicated-to-change-2/ it works but how can I remove the bottom margin on the image widget here. I’m adding margin-bottom: 0 !important; to the widget’s css style but it is not working… I need to find…