
Woocommerce shop sidebar not showing to top of the page.

By Hatim Khuzema, 3 years ago. Last reply by Andrew Misplon, 3 years ago
Hi, I’d like to reverse the way the left sidebar flows on mobile devices. Currently it is moving to the bottom. I’d like to move this to the top instead. I have added a product category selection and another widget that should go above the products on a Woocommerce shop page.

Image format for blog slider

By MUBS, 3 years ago. Last reply by Andrew Misplon, 3 years ago
HI I was wondering if you can tell me what the Image format is for the blog slider post. Im assuming it would be 4:3 ? As the most of my images are 16:9 ratio when it display the image it zooms in to fit the vertical height Im thinking if i change the image…

Creating a Image Button

By anrehman, 3 years ago. Last reply by Andrew Misplon, 3 years ago
We’re using the Trade theme and SiteOrigin Page Builder along with the premium addons. I’ve created 2 columns in 1 row and I’d like to equally split the row into 2 big buttons directing them to our videos. I can create the buttons but I want to add a hover effect so that when the…

Visual Editor not working

By christinejones, 3 years ago. Last reply by Andrew Misplon, 3 years ago
Hi, I’ve just created a new page for my website using the SiteOrigin page builder and visual editor. I’ve created the page no problem, but when I try to go back into the visual editor to make changes it just gives me a white screen with the date and time on it. I’ve tried going…

Page Builder tab Blank

By justinbmiller, 3 years ago. Last reply by Andrew Misplon, 3 years ago
I’ve taken over a site that was recently built with the Site Origin Page Builder tool. I’ve moved the site over to a staging environment and updated WP and all plugins. When I go to edit a page, I’m presented with the 3 buttons at the top that are in the basics tutorial: Visual, Text,…

Background parallax size

By nanci theevildesigner, 3 years ago. Last reply by Andrew Misplon, 3 years ago
Hello, I tried to add some parallax background to a row, with a text widget on it (with white background) and it looks perfect on Chrome, but it acts like a 2 columns row (image and text) on Safari and mobile. Is there something I can do to have a parallax background kinda everywhere? Thanks!

Home Page is Not Loading

By Hanan Aslam, 3 years ago. Last reply by Andrew Misplon, 3 years ago
I am using Siteorigin builder with eduma theme. Since last night my home page front-end and backend is not loading. its just keep loading. Please Help!

Images not updating in live view

By marybk, 3 years ago. Last reply by Andrew Misplon, 3 years ago
Confirmed Sponsors On this page, I’ve added 1 logo to the “Silver Sponsors” (total 3) and 1 more to “Supporters” (total 4) but none of those updates are showing up. They are all appearing as normal in the preview but the live view is not updating

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