
Row layout – full width stretched

Hello guys I am trying to make the row with four columns centred. I try everything that comes to my mind (adding custom CSS ) but can’t make this row to be centred and all for columns to be on with same spacing. Need help to solve this ? http://prnt.sc/dhqsk6

Aligning text with the image inside the column

Hello guys I am trying to make the row with four columns centred. I try everything that comes to my mind (adding custom CSS ) but can’t make this row to be centred and all for columns to be on with same spacing. Need help to solve this ? http://prnt.sc/dhqsk6 ………………… Found what cause the…

Herro Image Not Displaying Correctly

By Chris Hannon, 7 years ago
I am working on a site using the free version of Page Builder and I am having an issue with the Hero Image on the site’s front page not displaying correctly in some situations. The URL is dev.fleurdelismarketing.com/rivalry. I am using the free theme called Make, which I have used many times before with no…

SiteOrigin Widgets Bundle Help

By Kolby Traveller, 7 years ago
Hi I am building a site on WP, and I have Pagebuilder by Siteorigin installed already and it works, but when I try to install the Siteorigin Widgets Bundle, I get a bunch of errors. It is a slightly different one every time. Last few times it said “Installation failed: Could not create directory.” Thanks…

Applying a captcha to contact forms successfully

By CEHN, 7 years ago
Hi! If anyone was having issues with their Really Simple Captcha plugin after the most recent WordPress update and figured out a resolution, please share with us… Our website Visitors cannot subscribe to our mailing lists because the Really Simple captcha wasn’t working. The image doesn’t populate. I reinstalled the captcha but it still wasn’t…

site origin hero not responsive to mobiles

By rupertnomadix, 7 years ago
Hello..thank you so much for creating easy to use and great plugins.. I am having loads of trouble getting the photos to be repsonsive for mobiles,tried everything not a designer or programmer just brave ,can you help? website online looking a bit rubbish…thank you for any help.. hiddenparadise.org

reduce space in SiteOrigin Editor

By Ziabelle, 7 years ago
Hello, I’m trying to reduce the space that is created automatically around paragraphs, using SiteOrigin Editor. On this page http://www.laquestiondubeurre.fr/lhomme-seme/, It works ok for the 2 first headlines, but under the title ‘Distribution’, I would like to get rid (or reduce) the space between the lines. I need the two lines to be distinct paragraphs,…

Footer Site Notice Top and Bottom Margin

By mrright123321, 7 years ago
How to reduce these margins? What I tried already: /* Footer Abstand*/ .layout-full #colophon { padding-bottom: 0px !important; padding-top: 0px !important; } /* Footer Theme*/ #colophon #theme-attribution { visibility: hidden; } #site-info { margin: 0px; } #footer-widgets { margin: 0px; padding: 0px; } Didn’t work.

How to reduce Footer Site Notice top and bottom margins?

By mrright123321, 7 years ago
How to reduce these margins? View post on imgur.com What I tried already: /* Footer Abstand*/ .layout-full #colophon { padding-bottom: 0px !important; padding-top: 0px !important; } /* Footer Theme*/ #colophon #theme-attribution { visibility: hidden; } #site-info { margin: 0px; } #footer-widgets { margin: 0px; padding: 0px; } Didn’t work.

woocommerce single-product page design

By fineveryday, 7 years ago
To whom may received, I am trying to setup store using woocommerce, while i setup product, the single-product page shows “product image” is just too big and it just not using 500px as per setup in woocommerce setting. sample page as is sample page . i hope to get the product image on the most…

Pagebuilder Tab Missing

By Bradley Baker, 7 years ago
Hello, I have done all the plugin testing, deleted and reinstalled the plugin and I still cannot get the tab to re-appear. I ran it with all other plugins disabled and tested with all other plugins removed. The tab refuses to come back! Thanks, Brad

How make row lihe that?

By patrykk, 7 years ago
Hi, how can i make row like: http://www.tinypic.pl/v32mxegalnf8 or http://www.tinypic.pl/09p9vb659o22 I use only menu from unwind theme. I use the blank pages and design own site. Thx

Easy FancyBox

By robilix, 7 years ago
Hello, I’m using the Vantage theme. I have installed the Easy FancyBox plugin but just not work. I tried everything, disabled all plugins but nothing help (AG Custom Admin, All In One SEO Pack, Contact Form 7, Meta Slider, Polylang …) I could send you a private message with login to take a look what…

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