
Autocomplete in select custom field

By Sergio Allegra, 7 years ago
Hi guys, I’m developing a page (using page builder ) and I’m using so-widget-bundle to create custom fields. I’d like to create a combobox with autocomplete containing all pubblished posts in my site. My idea is that when user digits inside the combobox the search starts. Can you help me,please? Sergio

Issues with Responsive Width Using Price Table Widget

I’ve been using the price table widget on various websites, and I am having an issue on the most recent site I’m working on (though it works on similar sites using the same theme). The table does not respond to desktop widths – it is extremely narrow. Mobile & tablet widths are working fine. http://www.billselfbasketballexperience.com/

Hi, site origins

thank for you plugin page builder this is excelent for test my work, but I present a problem when open in mobile version (responsive) this charge other template or other content before my content or in top of page open modern desing template and after my page, and my page have bottom margin I need…

Can’t edit big text in visual editor

By Robert Drygas, 7 years ago
Hi! I have problem similar to this one. When I click to edit the content no content shows and I get the page load spinning symbol. In my case is a lot of text, over 100 kilobytes. The website is running on my company server (I’m not the admin, only maintaining content of the website).…

Vimeo Video embeds

By Jutta Duncan, 7 years ago
Hi, I’m trying to embed a video from Vimeo and I cannot figure out what is going on. If I use this code it works fine: But if I use this code it doesn’t work, and just displays the link on the front-end: Can anyone explain why the second doesn’t work? Thanks, Jutta

Parallax on mobile

Hi, I used Page Builder for the construction of the following site: http://www.siasstudio.com On the pages of the site I used the images as background with the parallax effect. On Desktop appear perfect but from mobile (iPhone for example) they not displayed well. Can you help me please to solve the problem? Thank you.

Centering SiteOrigin Video Player – CSS

By Kali Kasprzyk, 7 years ago
Hi, I am fairly new to CSS. I am trying to center my video (using the SiteOrigin Video Player) within its container. Been watching videos and reading up online, but can’t seem to figure out the right CSS code. You can view the page here : www.pethomz.com/products/controlm The video is at the bottom right, above…

Centering containers in the row

By Kali Kasprzyk, 7 years ago
I am trying to center two containers in the same row- I would like the right container (blue/green background) to always center itself with the left container (text and accordian) Is it possible to put CSS in the attritbutes section of the right container to accomplish this? What would that look like? For reference: www.pethomz.com/services

Row Design Tab Missing

By christine sass, 7 years ago
Hello. I am trying to style a row that I have on a page. I made the row full width stretched and want to have a background image that fills the entire background. Not tiled. Looking at your documentation here https://siteorigin.com/page-builder/documentation/styling-page/ you show that there should be a design tab where I can add an…

Siteorigin with gravity form populated dropdown

Hi, We’re building a custom widget where we’d like to have a gravity form displayed with a pre_rendered form that gets a dropdown option populated from the widget instance data. Our variable data gets passed to the widget template just fine see snippet http://pastebin.com/KJchaaQ9 Then in the widget template file I have the add_filter(‘gform_pre_render’,’xxx’), but…

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