
Distinguishing Add-On Features from Other Plugins

By George Plumley, 7 years ago
I thought I was going crazy, wondering where a Page Builder function had gone, until I was saved by this post: PageBuilder Visibility Option Screensize not available (current version 2-4-10) Turned out that the function was actually part of a third-party plugin – Widgets for SiteOrigin. I had this plugin installed on one site, but…

Siteminder Origin “Choose Image” Error.

By Michael Harvey, 7 years ago
I am not able to click on the “choose image” button in the site minder image editor. It just looks like tag with text saying “choose image” and not like a button like it used to. I have deactivated all my other plugins to see if that were the cause but it wasn’t. Has anybody…

SiteOrigin Hero

The front page of my website is moving with each change of the frame in SiteOrigin Hero image. What is causing this and how can I fix it so the page is now moving when the frame changes? Website is http://thebeautyinyou.mlethadaniels.net/ Thanks

SiteOrigin Hero Not Responding To Mobile Devices

By Charlene Weatherford, 7 years ago
Hello, I am using the SiteOrigin Hero as a slider for the main page of a website(www.readthirtythree.com), however it is not responding with mobile devices. I am aware of the SiteOrigin Slider responding to mobile devices, however there is no option to add buttons or heading with the slider widget. How can I resolve this…

Buttons not effectively mobile responsive

By Jonathan Paul Keung, 7 years ago
I have noticed that the buttons on my page (http://ventamsystems.net/wp/about/) ‘find out more’ and ‘contact us’ when the page window gets smaller to a mobile version, the buttons move above and below each other, but not centred nicely. It might have something to do with each button being right adjusted and left adjusted respectively, hence…

Post Loop showing unwanted text

I have been working on my website using the Vantage theme in WordPress. I have a post loop widget on my homepage and blog page and it was looking fine. It is now showing an extra title and post date in the post loop. I can’t figure out how to remove it. Here’s the link…

How do I centre contact form 7

By joshua pink, 7 years ago
It seems to want to stick to the left hand side: http://thegatesouthampton.org.uk/index.php/i-would-like-support/ I am using Visual Editior and centering the code but it makes no differnce on the front end. Thanks

Masthead background image zoomed in

By izltah, 7 years ago
Hi, First, I’ve been using the Vantage theme for a while and I absolutely love it! I’m trying to make my background image in the masthead area on my website (www.iammekanik.com) fit the page. As of right now, it just zooms way in and I can only see a small area of the original image.…

Editing target of vantage siteorigin attribution link

By heritagechorale, 7 years ago
We updated our website with the Vantage theme. It is providing us with exactly the look and functionality we wanted, and are happy to continue sharing a SiteOrigin attribution link with our web audience. We would, however, like to have users of the attribution link open the SiteOrigign website in a “blank” browser window, so…

Can’t Install PageBuilder

By littlesizta, 7 years ago
Hello, when I try to install the page builder in wordpress I get this message: “”Installation fehlgeschlagen: Die Datei konnte nicht kopiert werden. siteorigin-panels/css/images/[email protected] “” It’s German meaning: Installation failed: Couldn’t copy the file. siteorigin-panels/css/images/[email protected] Any idea how to fix this? Just updated wordpress today and I use the Ravenna theme if that’s somehow helpfull.…

Footer Padding too Big

By pinkranger90, 7 years ago
Hi all, I’ve tried changing the footer padding but it still seems to be quite big. the big container padding seems fine but there is a box within the big container where the “A Site Origin theme” is. And this box padding has extra top padding. how to i remove this extra top padding? Hope…

Site origin Resposive on mobile devices

By Tom_arts, 7 years ago
Helly everyone, I’m using Site origin to build my own website. Now i have a problem, i have in 1 row 3 text editors. So i have 1 row with 3 text columns next to eachother. When i use my website on my mobile devices, They arent next to eachother anymore. Wordpress/siteorigin put the 3…

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