
circle icon

By Louise Mason, 8 years ago
Hi I love using circle icons on my site. I am using css to hide the more button .circle-icon-box .more-button { display: none;} but on some areas of the site I do want to display the more button I attempted to create a custom class but this doesn’t work – i’m not sure I have…

Vantage Premium Theme

By Seamus Fleming, 8 years ago
I already have the Vantage Premium Theme on my website – www.fkancestry.com I assista nd help maintain another website – a voluntary-charitable-educational site – https://traleecoderdojo.org has the ‘terrifico’ theme which i dislik somewhat. There appears to be additional code added to this website also. I am not that teckie savvy – if i wish to…

Site Title – Not Showing

By Mike Varela, 8 years ago
Hi, I’ve got an issue that should likely be easy to solve but it’s killing me. I can change the value for font-size (which is reported at 0px) to X-Large in Chrom Dev Tools and it works but can’t seem where to augment the css and what to put to leave it showing like i…

Vantage Premium – Custom CSS for Menu

By Alan Taccone, 8 years ago
I have an issue with Vantage Premium after updating to the latest version. I had custom CSS that would display a down arrow character in the menu if a sub-menu was present. This no longer works. The custom CSS was as follows: .menu li.has-children > a:after { color: #fff; content: ‘ ▼’; font-size: 13px; vertical-align:…

Moving buttons to the centre

By sab-irene, 8 years ago
Hi I am using Site Origin hero on site origin page builder and have selected an image for the home page. I have created 2 buttons but they can only align to the left. I would like to move them to the centre of the image. How do I do this? Thanks

Hero Image button creates 3 buttons not 1

By TechboardAU, 8 years ago
Hello I am looking to spice up my homepage with the Hero Image plugin… It looks to be just what I need. (I am already using siteorigin page builder). I was testing Hero Image plugin and came across the same problem a couple of others on your forum have… it creates 3 buttons not 1.…

Siteorigin Editor Title change colour

By Mike Fenwick, 8 years ago
imgageoptics.co.uk i have not understood the previous forum entries and all efforts to change the Title colour on the Home page have ended up changing the body text colour and not the colour of the title. I can edit the Siteorigin Editor widget and on the right hand side I see Widget Styles Attributes Layout…

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