
CSS Editor stopped working

The box on the top left hand corner that used to indicate the element that was being edited now only shows a drop down menu with nothing in it. I have uninstalled and deleted the original installation and then re-installed and updated the version but still the problem persists so I cant use the editor.…

fresh user experience

By abdo refky, 8 years ago
hello. of course your plugin is very good but i had a bad experience when i tried to make easy edit . i have this simplest page in the worled i wanted to add an icon instead of email and lindkin . Result : fail, there is no icons then i went to add a…

Changing data-stretch-type on smaller screens?

By Jos Schuurmans, 8 years ago
Hi! Web page: http://kaluste-kippari.fi/yhteystiedot/ I use ‘Full Width’ and ‘Full Width Stretched’ row layouts on this website. Problem is, in mobile view, below screenwidth 752 pixels, when collapsing the mobile menu, the full width rows appear on top of the menu. I’ve tried manipulating z-index settings would help here. For example, I tried this, to…

Hide widget in mobile view

By SteveB, 8 years ago
Hey guys, I’m having an issue with my responsive theme. I am making a website for my church and am having issues with the home page on the mobile layout so I’m trying to hide my post loop widget (entitled “”coming events””) when viewed on mobile. I understand there are many other tutorials for this…

Extend existing widgets

Does anyone have any example code on how to extend existing siteorigin widgets such as SiteOrigin_Widget_Button_Widget or SiteOrigin_Widget_Image_Widget. It looks like all the custom widgets that I’ve found all extend the base widget SiteOrigin_Widget and I’m interested in extending an existing widget to to change a few settings. I have found the page here: https://siteorigin.com/docs/widgets-bundle/getting-started/extending-existing-widgets/…

Full page hero image help

Hello, I want my video to expand to the top of the page and behind the nav bar. I have searched high and low on the interweb and cannot find a solution. I am the biggest rookie with WordPress.. would anyone be able to help me out? Thanks in advance. below is the page I…

Filmstrip Gallery Widget for Page Builder

By Jerry Tonneman, 8 years ago
Hello everyone, I’m using the PageBuilder to create a one-pager with a gallery in it. The person I’m building it for has a couple of wishes for this gallery and I’m trying to find a solution. In short: this demo page shows exactly the effect he wants: http://freakplugins.com/shareprints/demo/filmstrip/ Right now I have inserted a “Visual…

CSS editor not working on WP Sydney theme

By JensenogDam, 8 years ago
Hi guys :) When trying to use CSS editor on my webpage, the code inspector does not work properly, and no edits are saved. As you can see on the screenshot below. The code inspector recognizes the titles as .maintitle, but it does not display any information about the style. http://jensen-dam.dk/wp-content/uploads/2016/09/Screen-Shot-2016-09-09-at-19.25.29.png I use the Sydney…

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