
Linking Menu with a homepage widget…

By João Janeiro, 8 years ago
Hi all, I’m using Site Origin Vantage template and I would like to know if it is possible to link a Menu field (e.g. Contacts) with a widget that I’ve defined in the homepage. The objective is to avoid going to a different page whenever I click on it, it would show the homepage right…

HTTP Error 500 Homepage

By Maria Eugenia Prato, 8 years ago
My homepage site gives me a http error 500, when i tried to disable all my plugins and activate one by one i see that the pagebuilder is causing it. The weird thing is that the other pages are still working but not the homepage. if i deactivate it, inmediately i can see the homepage…

Wistia Video in Slider Widget

By Gasper rubino, 8 years ago
Hello, I am trying to add a video URL to a slider widget, but all I get is a grey box. The video is from Wistia, and has been formatted to fit into the box. I would like it to be the first slide, but it does not show up. Can you assist?

Header widgets cause slider to disappear

By KELO_jstaples, 8 years ago
Hi, I replaced the Meta Slider with Layerslider so I could have a little more animation. However when I put in any header widgets, the slider disappears. Any ideas? I’ve deactivated plugins, I don’t have many anyway. Any help would be greatly appreciated. The site is: http://www.my-utv.com/home/

How to make contact form 7 with all in the same row

By mapj, 8 years ago
Hello! I am trying to make a contact form with contact form 7 look like this How can i put the text, containers etc in a row like the one i attached? I read a lot of topics saying that the css should be added on the theme’s style.css but the theme i am using…

Upgrade page builder to 2.4.7

By James Leicester, 8 years ago
Hi is there a way to upgrade page builder by site origin from 2.4.6 to 2.4.7 without having to re-write everything. I tried deactivating 2.4.6 and install 2.4.7 but it wouldn’t work? It did work on my other website but had to rewrite Cheers

Circle Icon Custom CSS

By Louise Mason, 8 years ago
Hi I love using circle icons on my site. I am using css to hide the more button .circle-icon-box .more-button { display: none;} but on some areas of the site i do want to display the more button i attempted to create a custom class but this doesn’t work – i’m not sure I have…

Siteorigin Google Map

By Gulsehar sabri, 8 years ago
I am using sitemap plugin to develop the website. As per the requirement from my client, they need to have Google Maps on the footer. I have added the map, but I am not able to add the name or title to the map. Please let me know where to add the title on the…

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