
Post Loop display posts not working

By 林玫君, 8 years ago
When I’m using Post Loop, should I need to install any widget? This is my settings Post type – ‘post’ Post in – ‘ ‘ Taxonomies – ‘category:band’ Date range – ‘From 2016/01/01 To 2018/01/01’ Order by – ‘post ID’ Posts per page – ‘ ‘ Sticky posts – ‘default’ Additional – ‘ ‘ and…

Site and WordPress Administration interface corrupted

By Gaetano Liggieri, 8 years ago
Yesterday I updated the Vantage Premium Theme to “premium” version. After having correctly installing it I decided also to updated the wordpress version to 4.5.3. After having done these steps I met a series of anomalies in my site: some parts of it disappeared, others changed the fonts and dimensions, pcs sliders blocked, some widgets…

PageBuilder Issues – loads but does not edit

By Fabio Pinto, 8 years ago
I am currently trying to create a new website using the Create Theme from ThemeTrust (http://themetrust.com/themes/create/). I have been having problems with pagebuilder not working correctly. I can’t add new rows, widgets or even prebuilt layouts when using pagebuilder. I can add content using the visual or text editor. I have tried deactivating all plugins…

SiteOrigin Page Builder Is Gone From My Site

By Edward Nathan Lazzari, 8 years ago
Hello – I logged into my WP to do some work on my site and noticed that the Page Builder tab on all my pages and posts is missing and all my pages/posts have been converted back to normal layout. I uninstalled the Plugin and tried reinstalling it. and I rebooted my computer nothing worked.…

Responsive issue with header bg and navbar

Hi! First at all, sorry for my poor English. I’m having two issues. ISSUE 1: When I visit my web from a mobile phone or small display device I’m watching white areas around Logo. Here is a (picture1): http://image.prntscr.com/image/ffb6d497c2e94167a18ff7c78086a69e.jpg ISSUE 2: When I visit my web from a mobile phone or small display device I’m…

Page Builder Loading Circle at Live Editor

By Michael Ballantyne, 8 years ago
Hey, I have the SiteOrigin Widgets Bundle and Page Builder by SiteOrigin plugins as the only ones enabled. I am running WordPress 4.5.3. When I try to access the Live Editor when editing a page, there is a progress bar that loads to 100% and stays there when I use Chrome as a browser, and…

conflict with gravity forms plugin

By asieving, 8 years ago
Hey SiteOrigin Support I’m having problems with a form I made using the Gravity Forms plugin not showing the captcha box. You can see an example at the very bottom of this page https://www.telluridelibrary.org/contact-us/ I contacted Gravity Forms support, and they suggested turning off all plugins to figure out where the conflict was. When I…

Hide row on mobile

By Saga Norrby, 8 years ago
Hi, I’ve tried adding this to the css style sheet of my theme and then written as a row class for the row I want to hide on mobile devices, but it’s not working. I’m building a new version of my site with SiteOrigin Page Builder, but it’s not live yet, so I don’t know…

Making Post Carousel and footer sticky

Hi All, I’m two weeks new in this world of wordpress, widgets, HTML, CSS, coding etc and have managed to achieve a couple of things so far with the help of step-by-step tutorials, the Chrome Inspect function and much MUCH trial and error – my site has a coming soon page (widget) while I get…

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