
Selectively Enabling Page Builder

By Tim Ariyeh, 8 years ago
I've seen a couple of older threads that can't figure out how to selectively enable the page builder editor. Currently, I'm solving this by disabling Page Builder for every post type, then enabling it for pages in a siteorigin panels settings filter if a meta field is present for the current post.

Vantage Theme Help

By slimreddd, 8 years ago
Finally in our old theme a customer was able to choose their shipping country at checkout from a drop down menu and then that would give them a shipping fee so they could see their total. In this theme, the drop down menu is gone on the check out page so customers cannot choose their…

Mobile navigation color change

By amreendesigns, 8 years ago
Hi I have changed the color of the naviagtion of my website however when i view the site on a mobile device i.e. phone the hoover and click link is still blue. I want to know if this can be changed before i purchase the mobile plugin.

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