
Add link to the box author

By fitrizulkarnain, 7 years ago
How to add link to the box author on last post content template? If I click the author image (profile photo’s), we redirect to their profile URL. How to I applying this issue? Thanks for support!

Previous/Next to point only to posts within a category

By lfirth, 7 years ago
I have followed the instructions in this thread https://siteorigin.com/thread/plese-check-my-approach-to-enablig-previousnext-to-point-only-to-posts-within-a-category/ by adding the vantage_content_nav function into the functions.php file my the child theme. I have then edited the links as follows: This adds the $in_same_term, $excluded_terms and $taxonomy parameters, but it doesn’t seem to work, links to categories outside the selected one are still displaying on…

Previous/Next to point only to posts within a category

By lfirth, 7 years ago
I have followed the instructions in this thread https://siteorigin.com/thread/plese-check-my-approach-to-enablig-previousnext-to-point-only-to-posts-within-a-category/ by adding the vantage_content_nav function into the functions.php file my the child theme. I have then edited the links as follows: This adds the $in_same_term, $excluded_terms and $taxonomy parameters, but it doesn’t seem to work, links to categories outside the selected one are still displaying on…

How to add Caption in Popup?

Hi, guys Hi guys! I have recently been working with WordPress and PageBuilder plugin. I found the “caption” field in the widget ( http://prnt.sc/e9e0ho ), and was hoping that I could get it in a popup box below the image ( http://prnt.sc/e9e243 ). But I did not. Please tell me whether it is possible technically…

Problem not showing color options on widgets

By ofertalia, 7 years ago
Hi Guys, I am using the latest WordPress version, installed Page Builder but on every widget the options to choose any color does not work at all. I am using a mac OS Sierra and tried on Safari, Chrome and Firefox. The problem happens even with no plugins installed. Please look at the attached images.…

Are you sure you want to do this?

By maxnaud, 7 years ago
Hi, I get the “Are you sure you want to do this? Please try again.” error. I’ve read about deactivating plugins and stuff, but what’s actually weird is that I only get the error when using my laptop at home, not on my office computer… Can you please help me and tell me what I…

Images not displaying on wordpress website

By Christopher Powell, 7 years ago
Hi, I have recently moved website to another host, I have the following plugins: – Page Builder by SiteOrigin SiteOrigin Widgets Bundle Since the transfer, all of the images on my homepage are either not displaying at all or displaying incorrectly. I have tried disabling all other plugins and it still hasn’t solved the problem.…

Hero container

I'm using Ascension theme and it has Hero widget on all pages. I would like to know how to disable/remove the hero widget and container from all pages so I can have my videos at the top of the page directly under the menu.

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