
Header Text

By Patrick, 9 years ago
Hello, I am having a difficult time getting my header text to change. I have went to theme settings and deleted the text in the box for header text, saved changes, however, the saying I had prior is still showing in the header. I have done multiple things. Turned plugins off, added different text, cleared…

Panorama I image under top menu bar

By KathyJ, 9 years ago
I would like to add an image the width of the page butting up under the top menu bar. How do I do,this or do I need a plugin? Also, I is there a way to decrease the width of the header without decreasing the length? The image I am using is a rectangle with…

problem with displaying posts

By Petr Jeřábek, 9 years ago
Hi, I used Vantage tamplate, but I have problem with posts displaying on homepage. When clicking on post, there is only a message: That page can’t be found. Any idea what could I do wrong? Thank you for your response. Petr URL: http://ligacup.cz

Page Builder Help

By gungholady, 9 years ago
I need to do the custom css in order to have the listings be at least three across instead of in a list. I know how to get to the custom css where there is attributes, layout, etc.

Influence Slider Image

By Лёша Кот, 9 years ago
Oh=b2a05bf27daaf3051edcda2ce9cfcd7a&oe=55A072B5 Why is my slider is not displayed correctly. I put a demo slider as well Click on the menu, everything becomes normal.

Post Carousel

By Anderson Davi, 9 years ago
Hello, I want to know how do I limit the number os pages with posts using the widget Post Corousel. After I limited the posts-per-page, when I use “next” button, it displays until the last post, but leaves a lot of space without nothing beside as you can see here: http://www.valvularock.com.br/wp/. Wait for your help,…

Stretch Page Metaslider On Page Builder

By Alex Gonzalez, 9 years ago
Hi guys, I’m working in a new page, I put a metaslider widget in page builder but I don’t know how to make a stretch metaslider, I only can put stretch metaslider as template and I want to put it as page builder widget, I hope you can help me, I speak spanish

google map

By Georgia Gibbs, 9 years ago
I inset a google map via Page Builder and the map icon is there and takes a focus but when you focus on it the address card does not show. Also I would like to link it to the google map for specific driving directions if that is possible.

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