
Page Builder not working with Theme Integrations

By Doug Johnson, 9 years ago
Hi there, I am trying to use Page Builder to build out a static front page for a wordpress blog that is integrated through Magento. The wordpress integration is setup to match the CSS and theme of the Magento site. When previewing the page, it does not use the site’s CSS or matches the theme…

How to Reduce slider width in page

By whitler, 9 years ago
Hi Andrew, Im a first timer i read a few of your post and like to say good job man… Ok so i am tryna build a wordpress site and i cant get the slider to reduce on page meaning it stretches the full width of the page. I tried adjusting the meta slider pixlation…

Mobile Menu

By Alex, 9 years ago
1. Is there a way to change the color of the mobile hamburger style menu icon? 2. Is there a way to select which menu structure is selected in the mobile navigation? Thanks!

How to guide

By Jerry Hall, 9 years ago
What would be really awesome is a guide or cheatsheet illustrating how to use Woocommerce with Vantage with or without PageBuilder. That is, I’ve installed Vantage, Woo, an add-on, PageBuilder etc, created a child theme so I could edit the stylesheet etc. I added three products Now I want to edit the product detail page…

Post carousel widget

By Aliar Viajes, 9 years ago
Hi I am trying to use Post carousel widget but can not see the content of the posts. I am using the adventure theme. Regards URL: http://aliarviajes.com.ar/

How do i add an image under the menu bar and also...

By Michael Mccullion, 9 years ago
Hi all, I am trying to add a picture under the menu bar of my website, which will adjust on each device. If someone could tell me the code and where to write it in that would be brilliant! Also the resource section near to the footer on my home page, how would i go…

Not working in Internet Explorer 9

By David Wilson, 9 years ago
I have just switched to AccessPress Parallax Pro with the Site Origin Widgets bundle. The site looks great on Chrome, Firefox, Opera and Internet Explorer 11, but is all over the place on Internet Explorer 9. On IE9 if I try to edit the Features Widget I get an error message “This widget has scripts…

Post Loop and Additional argument for query

By alain.roger, 9 years ago
Hello, i’m using for the first time the widget “Post Loop” from your Page Builder and i’m trying to display all post from a single category “Kitchens” (slug: “kitchens”) with a content excerpt (max 300 characters) and featured image. However nothing except the ALL posts are displayed. I tried: category_name=kitchens (slug term) cat=4 (in table…

Help with Origin

By Carl Nelson, 9 years ago
Well, to say the least, during the site builder video I saw some beautifully designed pages, content wise, the about me page in particular, where it shows several images and some titles below them IMAGE IMAGE TEXT TEXT How was this achieved?

List widget

By Sven Schuurhuis, 9 years ago
Hi, I’ve just downloaded the latest version of Pagebuilder and Widgets Bundle but can’t seem to find the List widget, which I quite frequently used in the past. Is it not available in the latest version? If so, any suggestion which widget I can use to replace it? Thank you.

Styling Row and Widgets

By jenndacosta, 9 years ago
Hi there, What is the difference between styling a widget and a row, is it like creating external CSS versus inline CSS? Secondly, what happen if I don’t write anything for the attributes, so just customising the layout and design? Thank you. Jenn

hover over containers

By jimmymorgan17, 9 years ago
I am using the siteorigin widget bundle specifically the “round container” to create links to other pages. Can anyone please tell me whether it is possible to use css to create a hover color over the circle itself only (and not the whole container box)? I have these currently in red with text below but…

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