
Vantage Theme Side-Bar is Dropping My Widgets

By Nick Moy, 9 years ago
Hello, I’m unsure of how to explain this but my widgets on the sidebar of my vantage theme began dropping for some reason. My page is Nicolasmoy.com… If you notice on all my other pages aside from my Home page, the “Add Me As A Friend” widgets and below are falling on the page when…

Vantage update + Jetpack = broken site

By Niall McGowan, 9 years ago
I installed the recent Vantage update last week. It immediately broke my site, which I managed to fix but now I cannot connect to WordPress Jetpack at all. I’ve deactivated all plugins, I’ve un installed Jetpack and reinstalled it. The only change is updating Vantage, which has been an absolute nightmare. Please provide info/a fix…

Slider widget image size

By Filipa Sousa, 9 years ago
Hi there, I’ve installed Page Builder and I’m trying to configure a slider for my home page. But whatever size (or options) I use, it seems the frame is always cutted at the left side. The right side seems fine, it’s even aligned wih the rest of the content. But the the frame doesn’t expand…

I can’t access Customise option on Vantage Theme

By Abby Sabel, 9 years ago
I need to change the Posts Page to the Blog Page. Obviously I go onto Customise but nothing comes up. The options down the left hand side are blank and the website does not show up in the preview box! This has only happened since the new update of the theme, is there anything I…

Images in slideshow view

By Mcw pan, 9 years ago
I want to display multiple images in slide show view. or simple images after some timings set. how to display with page builder siteorigin image. URL:

Vantage; Removing the Leave a Reply / Comment Footer

By Finn Roantree, 9 years ago
Hi, I’m having trouble removing the Leave A Reply / Comment footer on my pages. It doesn’t appear to be a widget that can be removed so it might be to do with the coding? If anyone could help that would be amazing! Thanks, URL: http://cloudninecasinoawards.co.uk/?page_id=50

Show last Pages like the Posts with Page Builder

By Stemmi, 9 years ago
Is it possible to show the last created Pages instead the last Posts? On my Site the most Content are Pages. I wish to show them like the post style: On this img this are posts. I want to show it this way with pages, can someone tell me if that works and how? [img]http://www.cineglobe.de/posts2.png[/img]…

How do I remove the title in the content section.

By JumpyMotionPictures, 9 years ago
Yes, I am making a site, and I need to remove the title from the content section. Here is a screenshot of it: http://gyazo.com/50f60401f91e68fa0d70537730685e09 I need to remove where it says apply in the content section right above where it says apply for a partnership or network. Please help as soon as possible. Thank you…

“Cheatin’ uh?” message

By Gerardo Sa, 9 years ago
Whenever I try to customize the appearience of my site Iget a “Cheatin’ uh? message….How do i fix this? Help! URL: http://www.ultimateworkoutrc.com/wp-admin/customize.php?return=%2Fwp-admin%2F

Rows and Widgets Keep Reappearing

By Tango Whiskey, 9 years ago
I was using a (horrible) theme called Mono. Page Builder was working ok here. I’ve since changed to a theme called Fruitful. Page Builder still appears to be working ok however there are a few strange things happening. – I’ve tried to delete a picture and add a completely different picture. I flush the cache…

Circe Icon

By Bat-Orgil Khvrelbaatar, 9 years ago
Hello i have one question i’m not running vantage theme but i wanted to use circle icon widget on another theme is this possible if “YES” can you tell me how? Thank you

Conflict with EventOn and PageBuilder

By adrian luu, 9 years ago
Hello, I have found a conflict between PageBuilder and EventOn. I can create an event list and display it without any problem but if I add a description to an event, the page that displays this event crashes (PHP Memory limit and white screen of death). EventOn uses the native wordpress text editor for event…

woocommerce product image stretched and blurred

By mauroV8F5, 9 years ago
Hello, I ‘ve a problem with product image in the woocommerce product page (Vantage Premium theme). The image uploaded is stretched and it appears blurred. The image width is 215 px, but the width is automatically stretched to 370 px. How can I display the image at normal size, Can I add some code in…

Upgrade To Origami Premium

By Mlungisi Mahwayi, 9 years ago
I need help with the upgrade to Origami Premium. tried to pay via the function available on WordPress but it is failing. is there an alternative way to do the upgrade?

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