
Old Page Builder Post Not Updating

By susanripley, 4 years ago. Last reply by Andrew Misplon, 4 years ago
Hi – I’m trying to update an old post that was made with PageBuilder. When I open it to edit, I am seeing the new WordPress block editor format, but the block that the post is in is a “classic editor” block. There is no option for me to go back to the classic editor…

Call to Action button stopped working

By Maurice Dionne, 4 years ago. Last reply by Andrew Misplon, 4 years ago
Hello, I’ve redone our homepage using PageBuilder with my Virtue Premium Theme. The first row is the Virtue Call to Action Widget and I have a Parallax Image which is overlayed with the call to action button. Initially all worked fine. I notice now that the button does not respond to hover over and the…

Google Maps Widget Map Centre Box Unusable

By Roy Farrant, 4 years ago. Last reply by Andrew Misplon, 4 years ago
Our Google Maps widget stopped working ages ago and we’re now trying to fix that. WordPress said we needed the Google Maps API key, and we’ve now entered the key. But on editing the widget settings, the box to enter the map centre has a load of black semi-circles in it, and I cannot enter…

Testimonial widget bugs after latest updates

By George Glazer, 4 years ago. Last reply by Andrew Misplon, 4 years ago
Sometime between May 4 (the previous time I added a testimonial) and today the Testimonial widget layout is no longer working properly. You can see what I mean here: https://www.georgeglazer.com/wpmain/testimonials/ Here are the new problems that make the page look amateurish: 1. The boxes with text with beige backgrounds used to be the same width,…

Simple Masonry Widget

By patrickmikkelsen, 4 years ago. Last reply by Andrew Misplon, 4 years ago
Hello I am using Masonry Widget I large picture and then two smaller. It seems like by default that the smaller pictures is on the right side of the larger picture. How to I get it to be on the left side? link: https://pk-mikkelsen.dk

Page Builder is not working

By Alejandro Flores, 4 years ago. Last reply by Andrew Misplon, 4 years ago
Hi, today I tried to edit a page made with Siteorigin PB, but instead of the PB edit options, all I can see is codes like: That, and the rest is plain text with text editor options. The PB does work in new pages, but not in those made a few time ago. I’ve already…

Live Editor not there – please help!

By Jonathan Goldsmith, 4 years ago. Last reply by Andrew Misplon, 4 years ago
Hi I am new to wordpress and the live editor has been a god send – but I just loaded a new page, chose the template and all of a sudden the live editor isn’t showing up. Here’s the link to the page (unedited from, the template) can you help me get the live editor…

Deprecated PHP Error

By Josh Mans, 4 years ago. Last reply by Andrew Misplon, 4 years ago
I’m getting a deprecated error tied to site origin panels – it occurs right away when loading the wp admin dashbaord. Non-static method WP_Feed_Cache::create() should not be called statically Details: – wp-includes/SimplePie/Registry.php:215 SimplePie_Registry->call() wp-includes/class-simplepie.php:1313 SimplePie->init() wp-includes/feed.php:783 fetch_feed() wp-includes/widgets.php:1489 wp_widget_rss_output() wp-admin/includes/dashboard.php:1509 wp_dashboard_primary_output() wp-content/plugins/siteorigin-panels/inc/admin-dashboard.php:67 SiteOrigin_Panels_Admin_Dashboard->dashboard_overview_widget() wp-admin/includes/template.php:1345 do_meta_boxes() wp-admin/includes/dashboard.php:246 wp_dashboard() wp-admin/index.php:148

Page Builder not working after Migrating site from one server to other

By sayali gadade, 4 years ago. Last reply by Andrew Misplon, 4 years ago
Hi Support, I have developed demo site on path http://imepl.in/nio1 after getting approval from client I have shifted it to path https://www.nioeyes.com/. I have made 99 pages using site origin plugin on demo link http://imepl.in/nio1. After migrating it shows only for 38 pages made up of site origin plugin so I am unable to edit…

Page content not seen

By Blaz Povse, 4 years ago. Last reply by Andrew Misplon, 4 years ago
Hello, I have a problem regarding post and page content. Today I found out that every page and post on our website is missing text content (www.center-motus.si). When I turn on “Revert to editor” the content is there whithout photos, but after switching back to Page Builder everything is deleted. Can this issue be a…

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