
Tabs Widget

By pescadito, 8 years ago. Last reply by Alex S, 8 years ago
Hi, I’m using WordPress 4.4.2, with Vantage Theme, Page Builder, SiteOrigin Widgets Bundle and Ultimate Addons for SiteOrigin with lasted versions. I had writed a page using a ‘Tabs Widgets’ but some shortcodes doesn’t works inside the tabs. Please could you take a look? – http://mycart.fly-press.com/tabs-widget-test/ Regards, Pescadito

php to render pb content in sidebar

By pescadito, 8 years ago. Last reply by pescadito, 8 years ago
Hi support, thanks for sharing your gread siteorigin page builder!!! I hade defined a custom post type with pb enable inside and it render the full html boxed as x but when i try to render the content in the sidebar i get only the text content as showed in http://tinypic.com/r/f3suoh/9 I tried php code…

Page Builder compatibility with Artisteer 4.2 Theme

By pescadito, 9 years ago. Last reply by Andrew Misplon, 9 years ago
Hi, please, could you take a look in artisteer a page have two pages template, onecolumn or with a sidebar area. the trouble is a pagebuilder page have duplicating the widgets of pagebuilder content in the sidebar area insteade using the widgets of sidebar ares 1) Normal page with sidebar http://radioamanecer.com.ar/noticias/locales/ http://radioamanecer.com.ar/wp-content/uploads/2015/03/01-Normal-Page-Locales-with-sidebar-template.jpg 2) Pagebuilder page…

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