
A Custom CSS Guide to Page Builder Row, Cell & Widget Attributes

Custom CSS is a quick and accessible method for hobbyists and developers to make style changes beyond what can be done using available settings. In this tutorial, we’ll cover the Page Builder Attributes tab and how it can be used when making Custom CSS changes. This brief guide is aimed at users with a basic understanding of CSS or those wanting to go beyond using the Visual Editor in SiteOrigin CSS.

Migrating Parent to Child Theme Customizer Settings

A child theme ensures that your code-level customizations are kept safe and not overwritten during the theme update process. If you think you might need to make code-level customizations in the future, it’s best to make use of a child theme from the beginning of your WordPress site’s development. In this tutorial, we’ll look at what happens to your Customizer settings when switching to a child theme late in the development process and how to quickly resolve the problem.

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