PB layout deformed, vertically stretched

By aics.firenze, 7 years ago
Hello there, I’ve been happily using PB for a while. The only issue is that at some point the PB layout appeared completely deformed, with each row showing a long vertical stretch. Functionality is perfect and all widgets work, but every post or page where PB is active shows an out-sized height, regardless of the…

Sliding two rows

By Salvatore D'Angelo, 7 years ago
Is there a way to slide two rows? For example, like this website Home look a 3rd section where books are published. Is it possible doing a thing like that with Page Builder?

White space between rows

By Joseph Corsino, 7 years ago
Hi, I have been reading other threads with this question and trying the CSS codes but none have worked at this point. The URL is: http://twhg.org/ There is a large amount of space between the two rows I have in place and would like to figure out how to eliminate this before spending hours building…

using the sticky plugin Q2W3

By Ned Denger, 7 years ago
Hello – I use the site origin builder and I installed the Q2W3 sticky sidebar plugin inside the site origin editors for my 2 sidebars. However the plugin does not work. I know you do not provide support for this plugin but I was wondering if you had any suggestions of what to do in…

Changing the background of a siteorigin editor box

By stroutman81, 7 years ago
I’m a complete novice but I’ve used page builder from site origin to make a lot of headway on my site. Love it. I’m having trouble right now with changing the background color of a siteorigin editor box. I click on “edit row.” From there I click on “design.” From there I select the background…

Row Columns in Responsive Mobile View

On my homepage I have a row with three equal columns. When reducing the screen width (iPad) the far right column moves below the left two columns, but aligns on the right instead of the left. This leaves a big blank space on the left. Any way I can get that column to align left…

Space between Bullet and Text too big

By Mike Brown, 7 years ago
Good day i am using the siteorigin page builder plugin but when i create a bullet the space between the bullet and text is too big how do i just it. If i don’t use the page builder plug, the space is ok. Also how do i change the bullet type eg. from circle to…

PageBuilder only allowing text view

By ctutter, 7 years ago
I have enjoyed using PageBuilder plugin and run the updates regularly on my WordPress site. I am having an issue now where the editor is only displaying the “text” view. I used to be able to switch back and forth between “text” and “visual.” Interestingly, if I am opting for the regular editor mode, I…

Page builder messes up structure after migration

By Wojciech Górski, 7 years ago
So i’ve just migrated my website to another server and back then everything was ok, now when i’m trying to change anything page structure, then page builder converts this page to text and asking if it should import this text to page builder or either it does changes literally nothing, it’s like something preventing it…