
Hero Pictures & Text Not Responsive

By steve03, 7 years ago
Hi there! I am currently using Page Builder with Kaira Vogue theme and am having an issue with the Hero widget – both the picture and text are not responsive at all. When I shrink the screen size to see mobile view, the picture looks cropped and the text is the same size but squeezed…

Adjusting Header height

Trying to get rid of the extra white space I don’t need in the header. Older threads with similar questions give the answer as: For Vantage Premium: adjust header padding at Appearance > Customize > General: Header Padding. I am a Premium user, but when I go to Appearance > Customize there is no General:…

Modify Archives and CSS

By Ernesto Alberto Salazar Baltazar, 7 years ago
Hi, i have one question, i want to know if i can modify archives of the theme, because i can put only one Logo and i need two, i also need to modify de CSS, so am i able to make something like that? i’m using the free version of Vantage.

PB layout deformed, vertically stretched

By aics.firenze, 7 years ago
Hello there, I’ve been happily using PB for a while. The only issue is that at some point the PB layout appeared completely deformed, with each row showing a long vertical stretch. Functionality is perfect and all widgets work, but every post or page where PB is active shows an out-sized height, regardless of the…

Sliding two rows

By Salvatore D'Angelo, 7 years ago
Is there a way to slide two rows? For example, like this website Home look a 3rd section where books are published. Is it possible doing a thing like that with Page Builder?

Remove overlapping of images

By Kali Kasprzyk, 7 years ago
Hello, My site is robertmarktech.com On the homepage below the slide is a row of 3. My issue is when I pull the site up on my mobile device the button is overlapping the circle icons as they shift into a single line. I’ve been trying to find some CSS to put in the CSS…

Google Page Speed insight Size tap targets appropriately

By Najmus Sayadat Noyon, 7 years ago
Google Page Speed insight says I should consider fixing “”Size tap targets appropriately.” I made the buttons as big as the widget would let me and still received the same result. Is there a setting I a missing I should change? Right now I have Icon Size, Padding and Margin all set to Medium. Full…

extra button on hero

By Dean Wenick, 7 years ago
I’m using several hero images on this site to build CTAs. Most are working great, but I’m having a weird issue. I have a row with 3 heroes. The first hero is getting a weird ghost tag inserted before the button. This also happens to the first hero if I put two heroes in a…

Different stylesheet for different language

By Mindblower Mridul, 7 years ago
Hello I am using Vantage free version theme for making a website.It has two language.I want to use different style css file for these two different language. Because when I change one language style other is also changing.I need help on this.What should I do to solve the problem Thanks in Advance

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