
How to remove a Widget from a row.

By moonbow9, 7 years ago
Hi- New to using siteOrigin and WordPress and I am looking to remove a widget from a row. Does anyone know where I can do this? I see I can delete a row and duplicate a row and add new widgets, but I can’t find the spot to remove a widget from the row. thanks!

Center align a video

By moonbow9, 7 years ago
Hi Support team- I am a new user of site origin and novice to WordPress. I am having trouble aligning a video using the SiteOrigin Video Player. Is there a way to do this? Right now the video is left justified and I don’t see an option to center. Thanks for your help!

SiteOrigin Google Maps not displaying on site

By Adatti Service, 7 years ago
Hello, I am trying to put Maps on my contact page. Even though i made an API Key, installed JavaScript API, Embed API, Geocoding API and Static Maps API, i have no succes. If i try a static one, i get a tiny crash image and after opening it in a new tab i see…

single Product display size issue

By Anil Kumar, 7 years ago
Hi, I am using this Vantage theme along woocommerce application. Single product image display size is too large, i tried several ways to resize the display size including changing in woocommerce setting and using ‘regenerate image’ plugin but nothing working in my side! Please help

How to Make Images in Vantage Responsive

By THunter, 7 years ago
I want to make a post that is nothing but an image, but I want it to be responsive to various screen sizes. When I put an image (1600 X 2400 pixels) into a post, it does not resize for different devices. If the theme requires insertion of additional code, I can do so, but…

SiteOrigin Image widget and text wrapping

By kpotter, 7 years ago
This code snippet comes from the page source. It stems from the use of SiteOrigin Image widget. I have attempted to customize RowId, RowClass, CellClass, and WidgetClass to force the image to float, but no CSS style customization affects div with id=”panel-10-0-0-0″. If I manually enter style=”float: left;” on this line when INSPECTING the page,…

Remove space between rows (Page Builder)

Hello, this is my order number for Vantage Premium :   I tried many things to remove the space between rows using the Page Builder plugin (and I read many threads about this), and nothing worked : – Bottom Margin set to 0 px – Padding set to 0 px for up, right, down and…

Posts not linking hyperlinks

By dsomm1402, 7 years ago
We are working on our press coverage and the read more isn’t hyperlinking. We are using siteorigin and some of the posts work and the last four we posted aren’t. Is anyone having this type of issue? Thank you, Dori Scivantage

Blog only filling half the page

By Matthew Ferguson, 7 years ago
First let me say that reading other peoples’ support questions and the responses has lead to me solving most my problems as I use page builder and Vantage for the first time. I have a question remaining the blog though. When I post a blog, the blog only fills half the page and the right…

Space over the menu

By SetDWiz, 7 years ago
Hi all, I’ve just installed this fantastic theme (free version). I was just wondering if it would be even possible to create a space over the masthead menu in order to put a bigger logo and the name of the Site on the left and feeds on the right. Thanks for your attention.

Widgets Won’t Activate

By rollingrock, 7 years ago
I’ve tried it all, per other threads–deactivating & reinstalling plugins, switching themes back & forth, and debugging JS errors in console. I’ve got several sites on same server w/ the SiteOrigin widgets bundle & page builder installed. They are all working fine except one where, for the past week or so, I can’t activate or…

Can’t see header image

By annieblank, 7 years ago
My header image on organicmulchsupply.com seems to be blocked by my navigation bar. When you start to scroll down the nav bar shortens and the header image appears. It used to work and I can’t figure out how it changed.

where to get colors for rows?

By Darrel Wilson, 7 years ago
on all my rows it only has a blank space to put in color View post on imgur.com on other tutorials, it shows a dropdown where all the colors are . Why doesnt this show the colors yet only a blank space? it this an old version? did i do somethjing wrong? i am using…

Sidebar responsive issues with subscribe widget

By dannywallispt, 7 years ago
Hi, I have a Optinskin sign up widget in my sidebar which looks awful on a tablet when in responsive mode. The site works and looks fine on desktop and iPhone but not on iPad. I looked at the forum threads and tried optimising my responsive settings from 480px to 2048 for ipad, hoping it…

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